Football / Spain /

LaLiga - season stats and match results


LaLiga 2024-2025

Season performance


Teams Overall (Average) Home (Average) Away (Average)
Games Total Scored Missed Games Total Scored Missed Games Total Scored Missed
Athletic Club Athletic Club 19 2.42 1.53 0.89 10 2.3 1.6 0.7 9 2.56 1.44 1.11
Barcelona Barcelona 19 3.84 2.68 1.16 8 3.5 2.5 1 11 4.09 2.82 1.27
Deportivo Alavés Deportivo Alavés 19 2.74 1.11 1.63 9 2.11 1 1.11 10 3.3 1.2 2.1
Osasuna Osasuna 19 2.68 1.21 1.47 10 3.2 1.8 1.4 9 2.11 0.56 1.56
Espanyol Espanyol 20 2.55 0.95 1.6 11 2.55 1.36 1.18 9 2.56 0.44 2.11
Las Palmas Las Palmas 19 2.79 1.26 1.53 10 2.7 1.3 1.4 9 2.89 1.22 1.67
Getafe Getafe 19 1.53 0.68 0.84 10 1.3 0.8 0.5 9 1.78 0.56 1.22
Celta Vigo Celta Vigo 19 3.05 1.47 1.58 10 2.6 1.7 0.9 9 3.56 1.22 2.33
Girona Girona 19 2.74 1.42 1.32 9 3.44 2 1.44 10 2.1 0.9 1.2
Atlético Madrid Atlético Madrid 19 2.42 1.79 0.63 10 2.6 2 0.6 9 2.22 1.56 0.67
Leganés Leganés 19 2.47 0.95 1.53 9 2.56 0.89 1.67 10 2.4 1 1.4
Real Valladolid Real Valladolid 20 2.65 0.7 1.95 10 1.9 0.7 1.2 10 3.4 0.7 2.7
Rayo Vallecano Rayo Vallecano 19 2.32 1.16 1.16 9 3.11 1.56 1.56 10 1.6 0.8 0.8
Mallorca Mallorca 19 2.11 1 1.11 10 2 0.9 1.1 9 2.22 1.11 1.11
Real Betis Real Betis 19 2.32 1.11 1.21 9 2.44 1.44 1 10 2.2 0.8 1.4
Valencia Valencia 19 2.47 0.95 1.53 9 2.89 1.44 1.44 10 2.1 0.5 1.6
Real Madrid Real Madrid 19 3.26 2.26 1 9 3.67 2.67 1 10 2.9 1.9 1
Real Sociedad Real Sociedad 19 1.58 0.89 0.68 10 1.9 1 0.9 9 1.22 0.78 0.44
Villarreal Villarreal 19 3.42 1.79 1.63 9 3.89 2 1.89 10 3 1.6 1.4
Sevilla Sevilla 19 2.58 1.11 1.47 10 1.8 0.9 0.9 9 3.44 1.33 2.11

Over / Under 2.5

Teams Overall (Average) Home (Average) Away (Average)
Games O 2.5 U 2.5 O 2.5 (%) U 2.5 (%) Games O 2.5 U 2.5 O 2.5 (%) U 2.5 (%) Games O 2.5 U 2.5 O 2.5 (%) U 2.5 (%)
Athletic Club Athletic Club 19 8 11 42.11 57.89 10 3 7 30 70 9 5 4 55.56 44.44
Barcelona Barcelona 19 16 3 84.21 15.79 8 6 2 75 25 11 10 1 90.91 9.09
Deportivo Alavés Deportivo Alavés 19 11 8 57.89 42.11 9 3 6 33.33 66.67 10 8 2 80 20
Osasuna Osasuna 19 10 9 52.63 47.37 10 7 3 70 30 9 3 6 33.33 66.67
Espanyol Espanyol 20 10 10 50 50 11 6 5 54.55 45.45 9 4 5 44.44 55.56
Las Palmas Las Palmas 19 11 8 57.89 42.11 10 5 5 50 50 9 6 3 66.67 33.33
Getafe Getafe 19 2 17 10.53 89.47 10 0 10 0 100 9 2 7 22.22 77.78
Celta Vigo Celta Vigo 19 12 7 63.16 36.84 10 5 5 50 50 9 7 2 77.78 22.22
Girona Girona 19 10 9 52.63 47.37 9 7 2 77.78 22.22 10 3 7 30 70
Atlético Madrid Atlético Madrid 19 8 11 42.11 57.89 10 5 5 50 50 9 3 6 33.33 66.67
Leganés Leganés 19 7 12 36.84 63.16 9 5 4 55.56 44.44 10 2 8 20 80
Real Valladolid Real Valladolid 20 12 8 60 40 10 4 6 40 60 10 8 2 80 20
Rayo Vallecano Rayo Vallecano 19 9 10 47.37 52.63 9 6 3 66.67 33.33 10 3 7 30 70
Mallorca Mallorca 19 8 11 42.11 57.89 10 4 6 40 60 9 4 5 44.44 55.56
Real Betis Real Betis 19 7 12 36.84 63.16 9 4 5 44.44 55.56 10 3 7 30 70
Valencia Valencia 19 9 10 47.37 52.63 9 5 4 55.56 44.44 10 4 6 40 60
Real Madrid Real Madrid 19 12 7 63.16 36.84 9 6 3 66.67 33.33 10 6 4 60 40
Real Sociedad Real Sociedad 19 4 15 21.05 78.95 10 3 7 30 70 9 1 8 11.11 88.89
Villarreal Villarreal 19 13 6 68.42 31.58 9 7 2 77.78 22.22 10 6 4 60 40
Sevilla Sevilla 19 7 12 36.84 63.16 10 2 8 20 80 9 5 4 55.56 44.44

Ball possession (%)

Teams Overall (Average) Home (Average) Away (Average)
Games Result Average Games Result Average Games Result Average
Athletic Club Athletic Club 19 904 47.58 10 469 46.9 9 435 48.33
Barcelona Barcelona 19 1276 67.16 8 572 71.5 11 704 64
Deportivo Alavés Deportivo Alavés 19 823 43.32 9 397 44.11 10 426 42.6
Osasuna Osasuna 19 858 45.16 10 477 47.7 9 381 42.33
Espanyol Espanyol 20 813 40.65 11 455 41.36 9 358 39.78
Las Palmas Las Palmas 19 1010 53.16 10 559 55.9 9 451 50.11
Getafe Getafe 19 832 43.79 10 509 50.9 9 323 35.89
Celta Vigo Celta Vigo 19 965 50.79 10 464 46.4 9 501 55.67
Girona Girona 19 1074 56.53 9 486 54 10 588 58.8
Atlético Madrid Atlético Madrid 19 982 51.68 10 564 56.4 9 418 46.44
Leganés Leganés 19 799 42.05 9 406 45.11 10 393 39.3
Real Valladolid Real Valladolid 20 850 42.5 10 427 42.7 10 423 42.3
Rayo Vallecano Rayo Vallecano 19 919 48.37 9 454 50.44 10 465 46.5
Mallorca Mallorca 19 857 45.11 10 428 42.8 9 429 47.67
Real Betis Real Betis 19 977 51.42 9 475 52.78 10 502 50.2
Valencia Valencia 19 915 48.16 9 435 48.33 10 480 48
Real Madrid Real Madrid 19 1099 57.84 9 559 62.11 10 540 54
Real Sociedad Real Sociedad 19 1005 52.89 10 560 56 9 445 49.44
Villarreal Villarreal 19 928 48.84 9 432 48 10 496 49.6
Sevilla Sevilla 19 1014 53.37 10 548 54.8 9 466 51.78

Corner kicks

Teams Overall (Average) Home (Average) Away (Average)
Games Result Average Games Result Average Games Result Average
Athletic Club Athletic Club 19 92 4.84 10 42 4.2 9 50 5.56
Barcelona Barcelona 19 115 6.05 8 62 7.75 11 53 4.82
Deportivo Alavés Deportivo Alavés 19 87 4.58 9 56 6.22 10 31 3.1
Osasuna Osasuna 19 75 3.95 10 52 5.2 9 23 2.56
Espanyol Espanyol 20 82 4.1 11 51 4.64 9 31 3.44
Las Palmas Las Palmas 19 76 4 10 45 4.5 9 31 3.44
Getafe Getafe 19 78 4.11 10 41 4.1 9 37 4.11
Celta Vigo Celta Vigo 19 59 3.11 10 30 3 9 29 3.22
Girona Girona 19 88 4.63 9 43 4.78 10 45 4.5
Atlético Madrid Atlético Madrid 19 94 4.95 10 61 6.1 9 33 3.67
Leganés Leganés 19 54 2.84 9 21 2.33 10 33 3.3
Real Valladolid Real Valladolid 20 72 3.6 10 38 3.8 10 34 3.4
Rayo Vallecano Rayo Vallecano 19 98 5.16 9 47 5.22 10 51 5.1
Mallorca Mallorca 19 77 4.05 10 49 4.9 9 28 3.11
Real Betis Real Betis 19 94 4.95 9 53 5.89 10 41 4.1
Valencia Valencia 19 103 5.42 9 61 6.78 10 42 4.2
Real Madrid Real Madrid 19 100 5.26 9 59 6.56 10 41 4.1
Real Sociedad Real Sociedad 19 107 5.63 10 67 6.7 9 40 4.44
Villarreal Villarreal 19 90 4.74 9 44 4.89 10 46 4.6
Sevilla Sevilla 19 104 5.47 10 58 5.8 9 46 5.11


Teams Overall (Average) Home (Average) Away (Average)
Games Result Average Games Result Average Games Result Average
Athletic Club Athletic Club 19 35 1.84 10 17 1.7 9 18 2
Barcelona Barcelona 19 41 2.16 8 24 3 11 17 1.55
Deportivo Alavés Deportivo Alavés 19 41 2.16 9 21 2.33 10 20 2
Osasuna Osasuna 19 36 1.89 10 28 2.8 9 8 0.89
Espanyol Espanyol 20 35 1.75 11 22 2 9 13 1.44
Las Palmas Las Palmas 19 25 1.32 10 10 1 9 15 1.67
Getafe Getafe 19 51 2.68 10 25 2.5 9 26 2.89
Celta Vigo Celta Vigo 19 36 1.89 10 18 1.8 9 18 2
Girona Girona 19 36 1.89 9 19 2.11 10 17 1.7
Atlético Madrid Atlético Madrid 19 33 1.74 10 18 1.8 9 15 1.67
Leganés Leganés 19 44 2.32 9 31 3.44 10 13 1.3
Real Valladolid Real Valladolid 20 38 1.9 10 18 1.8 10 20 2
Rayo Vallecano Rayo Vallecano 19 44 2.32 9 21 2.33 10 23 2.3
Mallorca Mallorca 19 47 2.47 10 29 2.9 9 18 2
Real Betis Real Betis 19 29 1.53 9 10 1.11 10 19 1.9
Valencia Valencia 19 39 2.05 9 23 2.56 10 16 1.6
Real Madrid Real Madrid 19 42 2.21 9 31 3.44 10 11 1.1
Real Sociedad Real Sociedad 19 46 2.42 10 32 3.2 9 14 1.56
Villarreal Villarreal 19 47 2.47 9 27 3 10 20 2
Sevilla Sevilla 19 42 2.21 10 27 2.7 9 15 1.67


Teams Overall (Average) Home (Average) Away (Average)
Games Result Average Games Result Average Games Result Average
Athletic Club Athletic Club 19 256 13.47 10 142 14.2 9 114 12.67
Barcelona Barcelona 19 173 9.11 8 63 7.88 11 110 10
Deportivo Alavés Deportivo Alavés 19 300 15.79 9 133 14.78 10 167 16.7
Osasuna Osasuna 19 255 13.42 10 138 13.8 9 117 13
Espanyol Espanyol 20 280 14 11 152 13.82 9 128 14.22
Las Palmas Las Palmas 19 232 12.21 10 130 13 9 102 11.33
Getafe Getafe 19 325 17.11 10 173 17.3 9 152 16.89
Celta Vigo Celta Vigo 19 195 10.26 10 104 10.4 9 91 10.11
Girona Girona 19 207 10.89 9 83 9.22 10 124 12.4
Atlético Madrid Atlético Madrid 19 207 10.89 10 115 11.5 9 92 10.22
Leganés Leganés 19 260 13.68 9 117 13 10 143 14.3
Real Valladolid Real Valladolid 20 268 13.4 10 137 13.7 10 131 13.1
Rayo Vallecano Rayo Vallecano 19 274 14.42 9 117 13 10 157 15.7
Mallorca Mallorca 19 226 11.89 10 102 10.2 9 124 13.78
Real Betis Real Betis 19 220 11.58 9 102 11.33 10 118 11.8
Valencia Valencia 19 225 11.84 9 108 12 10 117 11.7
Real Madrid Real Madrid 19 159 8.37 9 76 8.44 10 83 8.3
Real Sociedad Real Sociedad 19 255 13.42 10 145 14.5 9 110 12.22
Villarreal Villarreal 19 224 11.79 9 113 12.56 10 111 11.1
Sevilla Sevilla 19 232 12.21 10 129 12.9 9 103 11.44

Yellow cards

Teams Overall (Average) Home (Average) Away (Average)
Games Result Average Games Result Average Games Result Average
Athletic Club Athletic Club 19 39 2.05 10 21 2.1 9 18 2
Barcelona Barcelona 19 33 1.74 8 6 0.75 11 27 2.45
Deportivo Alavés Deportivo Alavés 19 49 2.58 9 20 2.22 10 29 2.9
Osasuna Osasuna 19 41 2.16 10 24 2.4 9 17 1.89
Espanyol Espanyol 20 53 2.65 11 25 2.27 9 28 3.11
Las Palmas Las Palmas 19 54 2.84 10 28 2.8 9 26 2.89
Getafe Getafe 19 54 2.84 10 26 2.6 9 28 3.11
Celta Vigo Celta Vigo 19 44 2.32 10 21 2.1 9 23 2.56
Girona Girona 19 45 2.37 9 18 2 10 27 2.7
Atlético Madrid Atlético Madrid 19 41 2.16 10 23 2.3 9 18 2
Leganés Leganés 19 41 2.16 9 16 1.78 10 25 2.5
Real Valladolid Real Valladolid 20 57 2.85 10 29 2.9 10 28 2.8
Rayo Vallecano Rayo Vallecano 19 49 2.58 9 20 2.22 10 29 2.9
Mallorca Mallorca 19 43 2.26 10 22 2.2 9 21 2.33
Real Betis Real Betis 19 40 2.11 9 18 2 10 22 2.2
Valencia Valencia 19 44 2.32 9 24 2.67 10 20 2
Real Madrid Real Madrid 19 30 1.58 9 16 1.78 10 14 1.4
Real Sociedad Real Sociedad 19 45 2.37 10 25 2.5 9 20 2.22
Villarreal Villarreal 19 57 3 9 27 3 10 30 3
Sevilla Sevilla 19 51 2.68 10 33 3.3 9 18 2

Total shots

Teams Overall (Average) Home (Average) Away (Average)
Games Result Average Games Result Average Games Result Average
Athletic Club Athletic Club 19 223 11.74 10 111 11.1 9 112 12.44
Barcelona Barcelona 19 319 16.79 8 152 19 11 167 15.18
Deportivo Alavés Deportivo Alavés 19 208 10.95 9 99 11 10 109 10.9
Osasuna Osasuna 19 179 9.42 10 127 12.7 9 52 5.78
Espanyol Espanyol 20 198 9.9 11 120 10.91 9 78 8.67
Las Palmas Las Palmas 19 208 10.95 10 131 13.1 9 77 8.56
Getafe Getafe 19 237 12.47 10 133 13.3 9 104 11.56
Celta Vigo Celta Vigo 19 218 11.47 10 97 9.7 9 121 13.44
Girona Girona 19 198 10.42 9 104 11.56 10 94 9.4
Atlético Madrid Atlético Madrid 19 223 11.74 10 146 14.6 9 77 8.56
Leganés Leganés 19 154 8.11 9 76 8.44 10 78 7.8
Real Valladolid Real Valladolid 20 173 8.65 10 101 10.1 10 72 7.2
Rayo Vallecano Rayo Vallecano 19 239 12.58 9 135 15 10 104 10.4
Mallorca Mallorca 19 192 10.11 10 101 10.1 9 91 10.11
Real Betis Real Betis 19 260 13.68 9 155 17.22 10 105 10.5
Valencia Valencia 19 177 9.32 9 100 11.11 10 77 7.7
Real Madrid Real Madrid 19 278 14.63 9 146 16.22 10 132 13.2
Real Sociedad Real Sociedad 19 188 9.89 10 115 11.5 9 73 8.11
Villarreal Villarreal 19 280 14.74 9 133 14.78 10 147 14.7
Sevilla Sevilla 19 227 11.95 10 132 13.2 9 95 10.56

Shots on target

Teams Overall (Average) Home (Average) Away (Average)
Games Result Average Games Result Average Games Result Average
Athletic Club Athletic Club 19 77 4.05 10 44 4.4 9 33 3.67
Barcelona Barcelona 19 125 6.58 8 57 7.13 11 68 6.18
Deportivo Alavés Deportivo Alavés 19 65 3.42 9 31 3.44 10 34 3.4
Osasuna Osasuna 19 61 3.21 10 47 4.7 9 14 1.56
Espanyol Espanyol 20 51 2.55 11 37 3.36 9 14 1.56
Las Palmas Las Palmas 19 78 4.11 10 42 4.2 9 36 4
Getafe Getafe 19 60 3.16 10 35 3.5 9 25 2.78
Celta Vigo Celta Vigo 19 83 4.37 10 47 4.7 9 36 4
Girona Girona 19 68 3.58 9 38 4.22 10 30 3
Atlético Madrid Atlético Madrid 19 90 4.74 10 58 5.8 9 32 3.56
Leganés Leganés 19 53 2.79 9 23 2.56 10 30 3
Real Valladolid Real Valladolid 20 44 2.2 10 21 2.1 10 23 2.3
Rayo Vallecano Rayo Vallecano 19 68 3.58 9 44 4.89 10 24 2.4
Mallorca Mallorca 19 67 3.53 10 35 3.5 9 32 3.56
Real Betis Real Betis 19 88 4.63 9 53 5.89 10 35 3.5
Valencia Valencia 19 58 3.05 9 38 4.22 10 20 2
Real Madrid Real Madrid 19 115 6.05 9 60 6.67 10 55 5.5
Real Sociedad Real Sociedad 19 65 3.42 10 43 4.3 9 22 2.44
Villarreal Villarreal 19 91 4.79 9 43 4.78 10 48 4.8
Sevilla Sevilla 19 73 3.84 10 42 4.2 9 31 3.44

Blocked shots

Teams Overall (Average) Home (Average) Away (Average)
Games Result Average Games Result Average Games Result Average
Athletic Club Athletic Club 19 51 2.68 10 27 2.7 9 24 2.67
Barcelona Barcelona 19 84 4.42 8 42 5.25 11 42 3.82
Deportivo Alavés Deportivo Alavés 19 62 3.26 9 33 3.67 10 29 2.9
Osasuna Osasuna 19 41 2.16 10 31 3.1 9 10 1.11
Espanyol Espanyol 20 58 2.9 11 30 2.73 9 28 3.11
Las Palmas Las Palmas 19 47 2.47 10 34 3.4 9 13 1.44
Getafe Getafe 19 80 4.21 10 43 4.3 9 37 4.11
Celta Vigo Celta Vigo 19 55 2.89 10 15 1.5 9 40 4.44
Girona Girona 19 62 3.26 9 28 3.11 10 34 3.4
Atlético Madrid Atlético Madrid 19 54 2.84 10 35 3.5 9 19 2.11
Leganés Leganés 19 35 1.84 9 14 1.56 10 21 2.1
Real Valladolid Real Valladolid 20 47 2.35 10 28 2.8 10 19 1.9
Rayo Vallecano Rayo Vallecano 19 64 3.37 9 33 3.67 10 31 3.1
Mallorca Mallorca 19 40 2.11 10 18 1.8 9 22 2.44
Real Betis Real Betis 19 53 2.79 9 33 3.67 10 20 2
Valencia Valencia 19 45 2.37 9 25 2.78 10 20 2
Real Madrid Real Madrid 19 78 4.11 9 41 4.56 10 37 3.7
Real Sociedad Real Sociedad 19 46 2.42 10 23 2.3 9 23 2.56
Villarreal Villarreal 19 69 3.63 9 32 3.56 10 37 3.7
Sevilla Sevilla 19 58 3.05 10 35 3.5 9 23 2.56

Shots inside box

Teams Overall (Average) Home (Average) Away (Average)
Games Result Average Games Result Average Games Result Average
Athletic Club Athletic Club 19 147 7.74 10 76 7.6 9 71 7.89
Barcelona Barcelona 19 204 10.74 8 97 12.13 11 107 9.73
Deportivo Alavés Deportivo Alavés 19 136 7.16 9 62 6.89 10 74 7.4
Osasuna Osasuna 19 127 6.68 10 97 9.7 9 30 3.33
Espanyol Espanyol 20 122 6.1 11 77 7 9 45 5
Las Palmas Las Palmas 19 122 6.42 10 72 7.2 9 50 5.56
Getafe Getafe 19 132 6.95 10 72 7.2 9 60 6.67
Celta Vigo Celta Vigo 19 140 7.37 10 58 5.8 9 82 9.11
Girona Girona 19 128 6.74 9 70 7.78 10 58 5.8
Atlético Madrid Atlético Madrid 19 157 8.26 10 107 10.7 9 50 5.56
Leganés Leganés 19 83 4.37 9 41 4.56 10 42 4.2
Real Valladolid Real Valladolid 20 109 5.45 10 67 6.7 10 42 4.2
Rayo Vallecano Rayo Vallecano 19 139 7.32 9 79 8.78 10 60 6
Mallorca Mallorca 19 144 7.58 10 79 7.9 9 65 7.22
Real Betis Real Betis 19 171 9 9 101 11.22 10 70 7
Valencia Valencia 19 115 6.05 9 67 7.44 10 48 4.8
Real Madrid Real Madrid 19 184 9.68 9 106 11.78 10 78 7.8
Real Sociedad Real Sociedad 19 122 6.42 10 74 7.4 9 48 5.33
Villarreal Villarreal 19 203 10.68 9 104 11.56 10 99 9.9
Sevilla Sevilla 19 125 6.58 10 73 7.3 9 52 5.78

Shots outside box

Teams Overall (Average) Home (Average) Away (Average)
Games Result Average Games Result Average Games Result Average
Athletic Club Athletic Club 19 76 4 10 35 3.5 9 41 4.56
Barcelona Barcelona 19 115 6.05 8 55 6.88 11 60 5.45
Deportivo Alavés Deportivo Alavés 19 72 3.79 9 37 4.11 10 35 3.5
Osasuna Osasuna 19 52 2.74 10 30 3 9 22 2.44
Espanyol Espanyol 20 76 3.8 11 43 3.91 9 33 3.67
Las Palmas Las Palmas 19 86 4.53 10 59 5.9 9 27 3
Getafe Getafe 19 105 5.53 10 61 6.1 9 44 4.89
Celta Vigo Celta Vigo 19 78 4.11 10 39 3.9 9 39 4.33
Girona Girona 19 70 3.68 9 34 3.78 10 36 3.6
Atlético Madrid Atlético Madrid 19 66 3.47 10 39 3.9 9 27 3
Leganés Leganés 19 71 3.74 9 35 3.89 10 36 3.6
Real Valladolid Real Valladolid 20 64 3.2 10 34 3.4 10 30 3
Rayo Vallecano Rayo Vallecano 19 100 5.26 9 56 6.22 10 44 4.4
Mallorca Mallorca 19 48 2.53 10 22 2.2 9 26 2.89
Real Betis Real Betis 19 89 4.68 9 54 6 10 35 3.5
Valencia Valencia 19 62 3.26 9 33 3.67 10 29 2.9
Real Madrid Real Madrid 19 94 4.95 9 40 4.44 10 54 5.4
Real Sociedad Real Sociedad 19 66 3.47 10 41 4.1 9 25 2.78
Villarreal Villarreal 19 77 4.05 9 29 3.22 10 48 4.8
Sevilla Sevilla 19 102 5.37 10 59 5.9 9 43 4.78

Big chances (xG)

Teams Overall (Average) Home (Average) Away (Average)
Games Result Average Games Result Average Games Result Average
Athletic Club Athletic Club 19 38 2 10 23 2.3 9 15 1.67
Barcelona Barcelona 19 83 4.37 8 39 4.88 11 44 4
Deportivo Alavés Deportivo Alavés 19 31 1.63 9 10 1.11 10 21 2.1
Osasuna Osasuna 19 24 1.26 10 19 1.9 9 5 0.56
Espanyol Espanyol 20 26 1.3 11 18 1.64 9 8 0.89
Las Palmas Las Palmas 19 33 1.74 10 17 1.7 9 16 1.78
Getafe Getafe 19 23 1.21 10 13 1.3 9 10 1.11
Celta Vigo Celta Vigo 19 47 2.47 10 25 2.5 9 22 2.44
Girona Girona 19 35 1.84 9 21 2.33 10 14 1.4
Atlético Madrid Atlético Madrid 19 57 3 10 43 4.3 9 14 1.56
Leganés Leganés 19 27 1.42 9 13 1.44 10 14 1.4
Real Valladolid Real Valladolid 20 26 1.3 10 15 1.5 10 11 1.1
Rayo Vallecano Rayo Vallecano 19 32 1.68 9 19 2.11 10 13 1.3
Mallorca Mallorca 19 38 2 10 16 1.6 9 22 2.44
Real Betis Real Betis 19 47 2.47 9 26 2.89 10 21 2.1
Valencia Valencia 19 28 1.47 9 16 1.78 10 12 1.2
Real Madrid Real Madrid 19 60 3.16 9 35 3.89 10 25 2.5
Real Sociedad Real Sociedad 19 27 1.42 10 21 2.1 9 6 0.67
Villarreal Villarreal 19 57 3 9 28 3.11 10 29 2.9
Sevilla Sevilla 19 29 1.53 10 17 1.7 9 12 1.33

Big chances missed (xG)

Teams Overall (Average) Home (Average) Away (Average)
Games Result Average Games Result Average Games Result Average
Athletic Club Athletic Club 19 24 1.26 10 15 1.5 9 9 1
Barcelona Barcelona 19 48 2.53 8 26 3.25 11 22 2
Deportivo Alavés Deportivo Alavés 19 17 0.89 9 6 0.67 10 11 1.1
Osasuna Osasuna 19 13 0.68 10 9 0.9 9 4 0.44
Espanyol Espanyol 20 17 0.85 11 10 0.91 9 7 0.78
Las Palmas Las Palmas 19 20 1.05 10 10 1 9 10 1.11
Getafe Getafe 19 15 0.79 10 9 0.9 9 6 0.67
Celta Vigo Celta Vigo 19 31 1.63 10 17 1.7 9 14 1.56
Girona Girona 19 18 0.95 9 10 1.11 10 8 0.8
Atlético Madrid Atlético Madrid 19 33 1.74 10 29 2.9 9 4 0.44
Leganés Leganés 19 16 0.84 9 7 0.78 10 9 0.9
Real Valladolid Real Valladolid 20 17 0.85 10 10 1 10 7 0.7
Rayo Vallecano Rayo Vallecano 19 20 1.05 9 13 1.44 10 7 0.7
Mallorca Mallorca 19 22 1.16 10 9 0.9 9 13 1.44
Real Betis Real Betis 19 37 1.95 9 20 2.22 10 17 1.7
Valencia Valencia 19 15 0.79 9 7 0.78 10 8 0.8
Real Madrid Real Madrid 19 34 1.79 9 19 2.11 10 15 1.5
Real Sociedad Real Sociedad 19 17 0.89 10 13 1.3 9 4 0.44
Villarreal Villarreal 19 33 1.74 9 18 2 10 15 1.5
Sevilla Sevilla 19 21 1.11 10 14 1.4 9 7 0.78


LaLiga: 2024-2025

Standings table
# Teams P W D L Goals PTS
Atlético Madrid Atlético Madrid 19 13 5 1 34:12 44
Real Madrid Real Madrid 19 13 4 2 43:19 43
Barcelona Barcelona 19 12 2 5 51:22 38
Athletic Club Athletic Club 19 10 6 3 29:17 36
Villarreal Villarreal 19 8 6 5 34:31 30
Mallorca Mallorca 19 9 3 7 19:21 30
Real Sociedad Real Sociedad 19 8 4 7 17:13 28
Girona Girona 19 8 4 7 27:25 28
Rayo Vallecano Rayo Vallecano 19 6 7 6 22:22 25
Real Betis Real Betis 19 6 7 6 21:23 25
Osasuna Osasuna 19 6 7 6 23:28 25
Celta Vigo Celta Vigo 19 7 3 9 28:30 24
Sevilla Sevilla 19 6 5 8 21:28 23
Las Palmas Las Palmas 19 6 4 9 24:29 22
Getafe Getafe 19 4 7 8 13:16 19
Leganés Leganés 19 4 7 8 18:29 19
Espanyol Espanyol 20 5 4 11 19:32 19
Deportivo Alavés Deportivo Alavés 19 4 5 10 21:31 17
Real Valladolid Real Valladolid 20 4 3 13 14:39 15
Valencia Valencia 19 2 7 10 18:29 13


Spain, championship LaLiga: standings, schedule of upcoming matches, video of key events of the championship.

The current season runs from 15th August 2024 to 25th May 2025.

The current championship champion LaLiga is Real Madrid, and the most titled Real Madrid.

Season 2024-2025: The first place in the championship standings LaLiga takes the team Atlético Madrid (44 points).

The date of the

from 2024-08-15
to 2025-05-25

Tournament performance

Information obtained from open sources
Division level 1
Number of rounds 38
Average goals 2.87
Home team wins 43%
Draws 29%
Away team wins 28%
Yellow cards 5.26
Red cards 0.27


Real Madrid

Reigning champion

Real Madrid

Titled (34)