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Scottish Lowland League - sezon istatistikleri ve maç sonuçları

Scottish Lowland League

Scottish Lowland League 2024-2025

Sezon performansı


Teams Overall (Ortalama) Home (Ortalama) Away (Ortalama)
Oyunlar Total Attı Eksik Oyunlar Total Attı Eksik Oyunlar Total Attı Eksik
Albion Rovers FC Albion Rovers FC 21 3.38 1.9 1.48 10 4 2.6 1.4 11 2.82 1.27 1.55
Celtic B Celtic B 21 3.62 2.67 0.95 12 3.92 3.25 0.67 9 3.22 1.89 1.33
Open Goal Broomhill FC Open Goal Broomhill FC 21 3.48 1.14 2.33 9 3.56 1.22 2.33 12 3.42 1.08 2.33
Civil Service Strollers FC Civil Service Strollers FC 21 3.95 1.81 2.14 10 3.8 1.9 1.9 11 4.09 1.73 2.36
Broxburn Athletic Broxburn Athletic 21 3.52 2.19 1.33 12 3.5 2.5 1 9 3.56 1.78 1.78
Heart of Midlothian B Heart of Midlothian B 21 3.67 1.81 1.86 10 2.6 1.4 1.2 11 4.64 2.18 2.45
Caledonian Braves FC Caledonian Braves FC 23 2.83 1.96 0.87 12 3 2.17 0.83 11 2.64 1.73 0.91
Tranent Juniors FC Tranent Juniors FC 22 3.73 2.27 1.45 10 3.6 2.5 1.1 12 3.83 2.08 1.75
Cowdenbeath Cowdenbeath 22 3.27 1.45 1.82 12 3.33 2 1.33 10 3.2 0.8 2.4
Berwick Rangers Berwick Rangers 21 3.52 0.95 2.57 10 3.5 0.8 2.7 11 3.55 1.09 2.45
Cumbernauld Colts FC Cumbernauld Colts FC 23 3.39 1.13 2.26 11 2.82 1 1.82 12 3.92 1.25 2.67
Linlithgow Rose Linlithgow Rose 22 3.23 1.95 1.27 10 3.8 2.4 1.4 12 2.75 1.58 1.17
East Kilbride East Kilbride 21 5.05 3.9 1.14 11 5.36 4.18 1.18 10 4.7 3.6 1.1
Bo'ness United FC Bo'ness United FC 21 3.24 1.62 1.62 12 3.58 1.75 1.83 9 2.78 1.44 1.33
Gretna 2008 Gretna 2008 23 2.74 1.04 1.7 13 2.92 1.31 1.62 10 2.5 0.7 1.8
Gala Fairydean Rovers FC Gala Fairydean Rovers FC 23 4.57 1.83 2.74 11 4.55 2.09 2.45 12 4.58 1.58 3
University of Stirling FC University of Stirling FC 22 4.05 1.45 2.59 10 3.3 1.4 1.9 12 4.67 1.5 3.17
East Stirlingshire East Stirlingshire 23 3.61 1.43 2.17 11 3.73 2.09 1.64 12 3.5 0.83 2.67

Üzerinde altında 2.5

Takımlar tüm (Ortalama) Ev (Ortalama) Uzakta (Ortalama)
Oyunlar O 2.5 U 2.5 O 2.5 (%) U 2.5 (%) Oyunlar O 2.5 U 2.5 O 2.5 (%) U 2.5 (%) Oyunlar O 2.5 U 2.5 O 2.5 (%) U 2.5 (%)
Albion Rovers FC Albion Rovers FC 21 16 5 76.19 23.81 10 9 1 90 10 11 7 4 63.64 36.36
Celtic B Celtic B 21 14 7 66.67 33.33 12 9 3 75 25 9 5 4 55.56 44.44
Open Goal Broomhill FC Open Goal Broomhill FC 21 14 7 66.67 33.33 9 7 2 77.78 22.22 12 7 5 58.33 41.67
Civil Service Strollers FC Civil Service Strollers FC 21 17 4 80.95 19.05 10 7 3 70 30 11 10 1 90.91 9.09
Broxburn Athletic Broxburn Athletic 21 16 5 76.19 23.81 12 11 1 91.67 8.33 9 5 4 55.56 44.44
Heart of Midlothian B Heart of Midlothian B 21 14 7 66.67 33.33 10 4 6 40 60 11 10 1 90.91 9.09
Caledonian Braves FC Caledonian Braves FC 23 12 11 52.17 47.83 12 6 6 50 50 11 6 5 54.55 45.45
Tranent Juniors FC Tranent Juniors FC 22 19 3 86.36 13.64 10 8 2 80 20 12 11 1 91.67 8.33
Cowdenbeath Cowdenbeath 22 13 9 59.09 40.91 12 8 4 66.67 33.33 10 5 5 50 50
Berwick Rangers Berwick Rangers 21 15 6 71.43 28.57 10 6 4 60 40 11 9 2 81.82 18.18
Cumbernauld Colts FC Cumbernauld Colts FC 23 15 8 65.22 34.78 11 6 5 54.55 45.45 12 9 3 75 25
Linlithgow Rose Linlithgow Rose 22 14 8 63.64 36.36 10 8 2 80 20 12 6 6 50 50
East Kilbride East Kilbride 21 18 3 85.71 14.29 11 10 1 90.91 9.09 10 8 2 80 20
Bo'ness United FC Bo'ness United FC 21 15 6 71.43 28.57 12 10 2 83.33 16.67 9 5 4 55.56 44.44
Gretna 2008 Gretna 2008 23 12 11 52.17 47.83 13 7 6 53.85 46.15 10 5 5 50 50
Gala Fairydean Rovers FC Gala Fairydean Rovers FC 23 19 4 82.61 17.39 11 9 2 81.82 18.18 12 10 2 83.33 16.67
University of Stirling FC University of Stirling FC 22 18 4 81.82 18.18 10 7 3 70 30 12 11 1 91.67 8.33
East Stirlingshire East Stirlingshire 23 17 6 73.91 26.09 11 7 4 63.64 36.36 12 10 2 83.33 16.67

Puan durumu

Lowland League 24/25: 2024-2025

Standings table
# Takımlar P W D L Goller Puan
East Kilbride East Kilbride 21 16 3 2 82:24 51
Caledonian Braves FC Caledonian Braves FC 23 13 7 3 45:20 46
Celtic B Celtic B 21 12 7 2 56:20 43
Linlithgow Rose Linlithgow Rose 22 13 4 5 43:28 43
Tranent Juniors FC Tranent Juniors FC 22 12 6 4 50:32 42
Broxburn Athletic Broxburn Athletic 21 11 4 6 46:28 37
Albion Rovers FC Albion Rovers FC 21 8 7 6 40:31 31
Bo'ness United FC Bo'ness United FC 21 7 7 7 34:34 28
Gretna 2008 Gretna 2008 23 7 6 10 24:39 27
Heart of Midlothian B Heart of Midlothian B 21 7 5 9 38:39 26
Civil Service Strollers FC Civil Service Strollers FC 21 7 4 10 38:45 25
Cowdenbeath Cowdenbeath 22 5 9 8 32:40 24
University of Stirling FC University of Stirling FC 22 6 6 10 32:57 24
East Stirlingshire East Stirlingshire 23 6 5 12 33:50 23
Berwick Rangers Berwick Rangers 21 6 3 12 20:54 21
Gala Fairydean Rovers FC Gala Fairydean Rovers FC 23 4 6 13 42:63 18
Open Goal Broomhill FC Open Goal Broomhill FC 21 4 4 13 24:49 16
Cumbernauld Colts FC Cumbernauld Colts FC 23 3 5 15 26:52 14


Scottish Lowland League Scottish Lowland League
yuvarlak 26
2025-02-08 Berwick Rangers - Gretna 2008 -
2025-02-08 Bo'ness United FC - Heart of Midlothian B -
2025-02-08 Open Goal Broomhill FC - Caledonian Braves FC -
2025-02-08 Civil Service Strollers FC - Tranent Juniors FC -
yuvarlak 19
2025-02-01 Berwick Rangers - East Stirlingshire -
yuvarlak 23
2025-01-31 Heart of Midlothian B - Civil Service Strollers FC -
yuvarlak 25
2025-01-25 Albion Rovers FC - Cowdenbeath -
2025-01-25 Open Goal Broomhill FC - University of Stirling FC -
2025-01-25 Civil Service Strollers FC - Broxburn Athletic -
2025-01-25 Cumbernauld Colts FC - Celtic B -
2025-01-25 East Stirlingshire - Tranent Juniors FC -
2025-01-25 Gala Fairydean Rovers FC - Caledonian Braves FC -
2025-01-25 Gretna 2008 - Bo'ness United FC -
2025-01-25 Linlithgow Rose - Berwick Rangers -
2025-01-24 Heart of Midlothian B - East Kilbride -
yuvarlak 18
2025-01-18 East Stirlingshire - Civil Service Strollers FC 1 - 1
2025-01-18 Bo'ness United FC - East Kilbride 2 - 4
yuvarlak 20
2025-01-18 Cowdenbeath - University of Stirling FC 2 - 1
yuvarlak 22
2025-01-17 Heart of Midlothian B - Linlithgow Rose 1 - 1
yuvarlak 24
2025-01-11 Berwick Rangers - Tranent Juniors FC Ertelenen
2025-01-11 Bo'ness United FC - East Stirlingshire 2 - 1
2025-01-11 Broxburn Athletic - Linlithgow Rose Ertelenen
2025-01-11 Caledonian Braves FC - Albion Rovers FC Ertelenen
2025-01-11 Celtic B - Open Goal Broomhill FC Ertelenen
2025-01-11 Cowdenbeath - Civil Service Strollers FC Ertelenen
2025-01-11 East Kilbride - Cumbernauld Colts FC Ertelenen
2025-01-11 Gretna 2008 - University of Stirling FC Ertelenen
2025-01-10 Heart of Midlothian B - Gala Fairydean Rovers FC Ertelenen
yuvarlak 23
2025-01-04 Albion Rovers FC - East Kilbride Ertelenen
2025-01-04 Open Goal Broomhill FC - Gretna 2008 0 - 1

Scottish Lowland League

İskoçya, şampiyonluk Scottish Lowland League: puan durumu, gelecek maçların programı, şampiyonanın önemli etkinliklerinin videosu.

Geçerli sezon şu saatten itibaren çalışır 20 Temmuz 2023 - 30 Mayıs 2024.

Şu anki şampiyonluk şampiyonu Scottish Lowland League Spartans ve en çok başlık Spartans.

Sezon 2024-2025: Şampiyonluk sıralamasında birincilik Scottish Lowland League takımı alır East Kilbride (51 points).


itibaren 2023-07-20
için 2024-05-30

Turnuva performansı

Information obtained from open sources
Ortalama gol 3.27
Ev sahibi galibiyeti 41%
Beraberlik 22%
Deplasman galibiyeti 37%



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