Basketball / Japan /

W League - season stats and match results

W League

W League 2023-2024

Season performance


Teams Overall (Average) Home (Average) Away (Average)
Games Total Scored Missed Games Total Scored Missed Games Total Scored Missed
Fujitsu Red Wave Fujitsu Red Wave 32 139.91 76.84 63.06 18 142.56 75.78 66.78 14 136.5 78.21 58.29
Denso Iris Denso Iris 31 138.13 78.81 59.32 12 141.08 83.58 57.5 19 136.26 75.79 60.47
Chanson V-Magic Chanson V-Magic 31 148.61 78.55 70.06 9 147.11 78 69.11 22 149.23 78.77 70.45
ENEOS Sunflowers ENEOS Sunflowers 29 144.86 77.79 67.07 15 149.93 81.73 68.2 14 139.43 73.57 65.86
Toyota Boshoku Sunshine Rabbits Toyota Boshoku Sunshine Rabbits 28 137.46 71.71 65.75 15 138.33 74.6 63.73 13 136.46 68.38 68.08
Toyota Antelopes Toyota Antelopes 27 143.44 79.19 64.26 19 141.05 77.21 63.84 8 149.13 83.88 65.25
Hitachi High-Tech Cougars Hitachi High-Tech Cougars 27 149.67 72.48 77.19 10 150 70.7 79.3 17 149.47 73.53 75.94
Aisin Wings Aisin Wings 27 143.37 72.56 70.81 10 141.9 72.4 69.5 17 144.24 72.65 71.59
Niigata Albirex BB Rabbits Niigata Albirex BB Rabbits 26 142.5 60.08 82.42 14 137.57 55 82.57 12 148.25 66 82.25
Ebara Vickies Ebara Vickies 26 137 66.46 70.54 20 138.05 67.75 70.3 6 133.5 62.17 71.33
Yamanashi Queen Bees Yamanashi Queen Bees 26 139.73 63.58 76.15 16 144.38 65.44 78.94 10 132.3 60.6 71.7
Prestige International Aranmare Prestige International Aranmare 26 131.96 59.04 72.92 16 130.88 57.31 73.56 10 133.7 61.8 71.9
Mitsubishi Electric Koalas Mitsubishi Electric Koalas 26 137.88 66.42 71.46 8 131.88 64.75 67.13 18 140.56 67.17 73.39
Himeji Egrets Himeji Egrets 26 152.12 64.46 87.65 12 157 71 86 14 147.93 58.86 89.07

Free throws

Teams Overall (Average) Home (Average) Away (Average)
Games Result Average Games Result Average Games Result Average
Fujitsu Red Wave Fujitsu Red Wave 32 83 2.59 18 58 3.22 14 25 1.79
Denso Iris Denso Iris 31 107 3.45 12 65 5.42 19 42 2.21
Chanson V-Magic Chanson V-Magic 31 194 6.26 9 61 6.78 22 133 6.05
ENEOS Sunflowers ENEOS Sunflowers 29 105 3.62 15 66 4.4 14 39 2.79
Toyota Boshoku Sunshine Rabbits Toyota Boshoku Sunshine Rabbits 28 142 5.07 15 105 7 13 37 2.85
Toyota Antelopes Toyota Antelopes 27 64 2.37 19 52 2.74 8 12 1.5
Hitachi High-Tech Cougars Hitachi High-Tech Cougars 27 51 1.89 10 10 1 17 41 2.41
Aisin Wings Aisin Wings 27 43 1.59 10 11 1.1 17 32 1.88
Niigata Albirex BB Rabbits Niigata Albirex BB Rabbits 26 58 2.23 14 0 0 12 58 4.83
Ebara Vickies Ebara Vickies 26 145 5.58 20 141 7.05 6 4 0.67
Yamanashi Queen Bees Yamanashi Queen Bees 26 38 1.46 16 0 0 10 38 3.8
Prestige International Aranmare Prestige International Aranmare 26 27 1.04 16 0 0 10 27 2.7
Mitsubishi Electric Koalas Mitsubishi Electric Koalas 26 87 3.35 8 19 2.38 18 68 3.78
Himeji Egrets Himeji Egrets 26 91 3.5 12 56 4.67 14 35 2.5

Two points

Teams Overall (Average) Home (Average) Away (Average)
Games Result Average Games Result Average Games Result Average
Fujitsu Red Wave Fujitsu Red Wave 32 180 5.63 18 136 7.56 14 44 3.14
Denso Iris Denso Iris 31 201 6.48 12 130 10.83 19 71 3.74
Chanson V-Magic Chanson V-Magic 31 304 9.81 9 107 11.89 22 197 8.95
ENEOS Sunflowers ENEOS Sunflowers 29 173 5.97 15 100 6.67 14 73 5.21
Toyota Boshoku Sunshine Rabbits Toyota Boshoku Sunshine Rabbits 28 239 8.54 15 166 11.07 13 73 5.62
Toyota Antelopes Toyota Antelopes 27 110 4.07 19 93 4.89 8 17 2.13
Hitachi High-Tech Cougars Hitachi High-Tech Cougars 27 91 3.37 10 42 4.2 17 49 2.88
Aisin Wings Aisin Wings 27 91 3.37 10 22 2.2 17 69 4.06
Niigata Albirex BB Rabbits Niigata Albirex BB Rabbits 26 97 3.73 14 0 0 12 97 8.08
Ebara Vickies Ebara Vickies 26 214 8.23 20 197 9.85 6 17 2.83
Yamanashi Queen Bees Yamanashi Queen Bees 26 50 1.92 16 0 0 10 50 5
Prestige International Aranmare Prestige International Aranmare 26 54 2.08 16 0 0 10 54 5.4
Mitsubishi Electric Koalas Mitsubishi Electric Koalas 26 136 5.23 8 39 4.88 18 97 5.39
Himeji Egrets Himeji Egrets 26 148 5.69 12 69 5.75 14 79 5.64

Three points

Teams Overall (Average) Home (Average) Away (Average)
Games Result Average Games Result Average Games Result Average
Fujitsu Red Wave Fujitsu Red Wave 32 67 2.09 18 46 2.56 14 21 1.5
Denso Iris Denso Iris 31 84 2.71 12 51 4.25 19 33 1.74
Chanson V-Magic Chanson V-Magic 31 91 2.94 9 38 4.22 22 53 2.41
ENEOS Sunflowers ENEOS Sunflowers 29 64 2.21 15 36 2.4 14 28 2
Toyota Boshoku Sunshine Rabbits Toyota Boshoku Sunshine Rabbits 28 79 2.82 15 64 4.27 13 15 1.15
Toyota Antelopes Toyota Antelopes 27 48 1.78 19 37 1.95 8 11 1.38
Hitachi High-Tech Cougars Hitachi High-Tech Cougars 27 25 0.93 10 13 1.3 17 12 0.71
Aisin Wings Aisin Wings 27 46 1.7 10 4 0.4 17 42 2.47
Niigata Albirex BB Rabbits Niigata Albirex BB Rabbits 26 33 1.27 14 0 0 12 33 2.75
Ebara Vickies Ebara Vickies 26 124 4.77 20 116 5.8 6 8 1.33
Yamanashi Queen Bees Yamanashi Queen Bees 26 24 0.92 16 0 0 10 24 2.4
Prestige International Aranmare Prestige International Aranmare 26 27 1.04 16 0 0 10 27 2.7
Mitsubishi Electric Koalas Mitsubishi Electric Koalas 26 51 1.96 8 9 1.13 18 42 2.33
Himeji Egrets Himeji Egrets 26 56 2.15 12 30 2.5 14 26 1.86

Field goals

Teams Overall (Average) Home (Average) Away (Average)
Games Result Average Games Result Average Games Result Average
Fujitsu Red Wave Fujitsu Red Wave 32 247 7.72 18 182 10.11 14 65 4.64
Denso Iris Denso Iris 31 285 9.19 12 181 15.08 19 104 5.47
Chanson V-Magic Chanson V-Magic 31 395 12.74 9 145 16.11 22 250 11.36
ENEOS Sunflowers ENEOS Sunflowers 29 237 8.17 15 136 9.07 14 101 7.21
Toyota Boshoku Sunshine Rabbits Toyota Boshoku Sunshine Rabbits 28 318 11.36 15 230 15.33 13 88 6.77
Toyota Antelopes Toyota Antelopes 27 158 5.85 19 130 6.84 8 28 3.5
Hitachi High-Tech Cougars Hitachi High-Tech Cougars 27 116 4.3 10 55 5.5 17 61 3.59
Aisin Wings Aisin Wings 27 137 5.07 10 26 2.6 17 111 6.53
Niigata Albirex BB Rabbits Niigata Albirex BB Rabbits 26 130 5 14 0 0 12 130 10.83
Ebara Vickies Ebara Vickies 26 338 13 20 313 15.65 6 25 4.17
Yamanashi Queen Bees Yamanashi Queen Bees 26 74 2.85 16 0 0 10 74 7.4
Prestige International Aranmare Prestige International Aranmare 26 81 3.12 16 0 0 10 81 8.1
Mitsubishi Electric Koalas Mitsubishi Electric Koalas 26 187 7.19 8 48 6 18 139 7.72
Himeji Egrets Himeji Egrets 26 204 7.85 12 99 8.25 14 105 7.5


Teams Overall (Average) Home (Average) Away (Average)
Games Result Average Games Result Average Games Result Average
Fujitsu Red Wave Fujitsu Red Wave 32 190 5.94 18 137 7.61 14 53 3.79
Denso Iris Denso Iris 31 237 7.65 12 145 12.08 19 92 4.84
Chanson V-Magic Chanson V-Magic 31 363 11.71 9 144 16 22 219 9.95
ENEOS Sunflowers ENEOS Sunflowers 29 233 8.03 15 127 8.47 14 106 7.57
Toyota Boshoku Sunshine Rabbits Toyota Boshoku Sunshine Rabbits 28 284 10.14 15 184 12.27 13 100 7.69
Toyota Antelopes Toyota Antelopes 27 140 5.19 19 117 6.16 8 23 2.88
Hitachi High-Tech Cougars Hitachi High-Tech Cougars 27 121 4.48 10 53 5.3 17 68 4
Aisin Wings Aisin Wings 27 111 4.11 10 23 2.3 17 88 5.18
Niigata Albirex BB Rabbits Niigata Albirex BB Rabbits 26 97 3.73 14 0 0 12 97 8.08
Ebara Vickies Ebara Vickies 26 321 12.35 20 306 15.3 6 15 2.5
Yamanashi Queen Bees Yamanashi Queen Bees 26 119 4.58 16 0 0 10 119 11.9
Prestige International Aranmare Prestige International Aranmare 26 73 2.81 16 0 0 10 73 7.3
Mitsubishi Electric Koalas Mitsubishi Electric Koalas 26 170 6.54 8 49 6.13 18 121 6.72
Himeji Egrets Himeji Egrets 26 183 7.04 12 77 6.42 14 106 7.57

Leadership time

Teams Overall (Average) Home (Average) Away (Average)
Games Result Average Games Result Average Games Result Average
Fujitsu Red Wave Fujitsu Red Wave 32 294 9.19 18 222 12.33 14 72 5.14
Denso Iris Denso Iris 31 249 8.03 12 205 17.08 19 44 2.32
Chanson V-Magic Chanson V-Magic 31 296 9.55 9 134 14.89 22 162 7.36
ENEOS Sunflowers ENEOS Sunflowers 29 212 7.31 15 136 9.07 14 76 5.43
Toyota Boshoku Sunshine Rabbits Toyota Boshoku Sunshine Rabbits 28 269 9.61 15 191 12.73 13 78 6
Toyota Antelopes Toyota Antelopes 27 179 6.63 19 150 7.89 8 29 3.63
Hitachi High-Tech Cougars Hitachi High-Tech Cougars 27 23 0.85 10 7 0.7 17 16 0.94
Aisin Wings Aisin Wings 27 83 3.07 10 8 0.8 17 75 4.41
Niigata Albirex BB Rabbits Niigata Albirex BB Rabbits 26 78 3 14 0 0 12 78 6.5
Ebara Vickies Ebara Vickies 26 255 9.81 20 244 12.2 6 11 1.83
Yamanashi Queen Bees Yamanashi Queen Bees 26 30 1.15 16 0 0 10 30 3
Prestige International Aranmare Prestige International Aranmare 26 47 1.81 16 0 0 10 47 4.7
Mitsubishi Electric Koalas Mitsubishi Electric Koalas 26 40 1.54 8 0 0 18 40 2.22
Himeji Egrets Himeji Egrets 26 7 0.27 12 2 0.17 14 5 0.36


W League

Toyota Boshoku Sunshine Rabbits
Hitachi High-Tech Cougars
Chanson V-Magic
Aisin Wings
Toyota Antelopes
Chanson V-Magic
ENEOS Sunflowers
Toyota Boshoku Sunshine Rabbits
Denso Iris
ENEOS Sunflowers
Fujitsu Red Wave
Chanson V-Magic
Denso Iris
ENEOS Sunflowers
Fujitsu Red Wave
Chanson V-Magic
Fujitsu Red Wave
Denso Iris


W League 23/24: 2023-2024

Standings table
# Teams P W L PTS PCT GB
Fujitsu Red Wave Fujitsu Red Wave 26 23 3 49 0.885
Denso Iris Denso Iris 26 22 4 48 0.846
ENEOS Sunflowers ENEOS Sunflowers 26 22 4 48 0.846
Toyota Antelopes Toyota Antelopes 26 22 4 48 0.846
Chanson V-Magic Chanson V-Magic 26 18 8 44 0.692
Toyota Boshoku Sunshine Rabbits Toyota Boshoku Sunshine Rabbits 26 14 12 40 0.538
Hitachi High-Tech Cougars Hitachi High-Tech Cougars 26 14 12 40 0.538
Aisin Wings Aisin Wings 26 12 14 38 0.462
Mitsubishi Electric Koalas Mitsubishi Electric Koalas 26 10 16 36 0.385
Ebara Vickies Ebara Vickies 26 8 18 34 0.308
Yamanashi Queen Bees Yamanashi Queen Bees 26 6 20 32 0.231
Niigata Albirex BB Rabbits Niigata Albirex BB Rabbits 26 5 21 31 0.192
Prestige International Aranmare Prestige International Aranmare 26 4 22 30 0.154
Himeji Egrets Himeji Egrets 26 2 24 28 0.077

W League

Japan, championship W League: standings, schedule of upcoming matches, video of key events of the championship.

The current season runs from 11th October 2024 to 30th April 2025.

Season 2023-2024: The first place in the championship standings W League takes the team Fujitsu Red Wave (49 points).