Basketball / Players /

Dara Mabrey – player stats, ratings and matches

Dara Mabrey

Dara Mabrey

Ceglédi EKK


Dara Mabrey

Player Dara Mabrey.

Physical indicators: height 170 m. Weight kg.

Dara Mabrey is currently playing in a team Ceglédi EKK . Main position: point guard. Game number in starting lineups: 1.

Recently Dara Mabreytook part in 14 matches for the team Ceglédi EKK.


NB I, Women NB I, Women
Round 15
2025-01-22 Ceglédi EKK - Sopron Basket 41 - 87
Round 21
2025-03-08 Ceglédi EKK - MTK Budapest 66 - 78
Round 14
2024-12-28 KSC Szekszárd - Ceglédi EKK 115 - 68
Round 22
2025-03-16 Ceglédi EKK - David Kornel Ka 88 - 73
Round 10
2024-12-04 MTK Budapest - Ceglédi EKK 79 - 52
Round 20
2025-03-01 Ceglédi EKK - BEAC-Ujbuda 66 - 58
Round 19
2025-02-22 Ceglédi EKK - BKG-Prima 91 - 87
Round 18
2025-02-15 Soproni Darazsak Akademia - Ceglédi EKK 44 - 73
Round 17
2025-01-25 Ceglédi EKK - Cargo Uni Győr 69 - 100
Round 16
2025-01-19 DVTK Hun Therm - Ceglédi EKK 85 - 39
Round 13
2024-12-22 Ceglédi EKK - MKB Euroleasing Vasas 63 - 49
Round 12
2024-12-14 Ceglédi EKK - PEAC-Pécs 40 - 93
Round 11
2024-12-07 David Kornel Ka - Ceglédi EKK 74 - 86
Round 9
2024-11-30 BEAC-Ujbuda - Ceglédi EKK 72 - 51