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Eleonora Villa – player stats, ratings and matches

Eleonora Villa

Eleonora Villa

Washington State Cougars


Eleonora Villa

Player Eleonora Villa.

Physical indicators: height 168 m. Weight kg.

Eleonora Villa is currently playing in a team Washington State Cougars . Main position: point guard. Game number in starting lineups: 10.

Recently Eleonora Villatook part in 7 matches for the team Washington State Cougars.


U20 EC Div. A Women U20 EC Div. A Women
Round 50
2024-07-14 Germany U20 - Italy U20 48 - 70
Round 28
2024-07-13 Italy U20 - Spain U20 58 - 85
Round 27
2024-07-12 Latvia U20 - Italy U20 53 - 68
Round 5
2024-07-10 Italy U20 - Serbia U20 91 - 63
Round 3
2024-07-09 Poland U20 - Italy U20 62 - 71
Round 2
2024-07-07 Finland U20 - Italy U20 49 - 83
Round 1
2024-07-06 Italy U20 - Turkey U20 74 - 50