Basketball / Players /

Frederik Erichsen – player stats, ratings and matches

Frederik Erichsen

Frederik Erichsen

Bakken Bears


Frederik Erichsen

Player Frederik Erichsen.

Physical indicators: height 205 m. Weight kg.

Frederik Erichsen is currently playing in a team Bakken Bears . Main position: small forward.

Recently Frederik Erichsentook part in 11 matches for the team Bakken Bears.


Round 1
2024-09-22 BV Chemnitz 99 - Ratiopharm Ulm 86 - 90
European North Basketball League European North Basketball League
Round 29
2024-04-10 Bakken Bears - CSO Voluntari 85 - 81
Round 28
2024-04-09 Šiaulių Šiauliai - Bakken Bears 77 - 90
Basketligaen Basketligaen
Round 9
2024-04-12 Svendborg Rabbits - Bakken Bears 62 - 86
Europe Cup Europe Cup
Round 3
2023-11-01 Bakken Bears - Norrköping Dolphins 69 - 75
Round 2
2023-10-24 Porto - Bakken Bears 89 - 78
U18 EC Div. A U18 EC Div. A
2023-07-29 Denmark U18 - Finland U18 92 - 70
2023-07-27 Croatia U18 - Denmark U18 90 - 66
Round 5
2023-07-26 Serbia U18 - Denmark U18 107 - 62
Round 3
2023-07-24 Greece U18 - Denmark U18 107 - 75
Round 2
2023-07-23 Italy U18 - Denmark U18 93 - 77