Basketball / Players /

Gaëtan Armenti – player stats, ratings and matches

Gaëtan Armenti

Gaëtan Armenti

Pully Lausanne Foxes


Gaëtan Armenti

Player Gaëtan Armenti.

Physical indicators: height 196 m. Weight kg.

Gaëtan Armenti is currently playing in a team Pully Lausanne Foxes . Main position: point guard. Game number in starting lineups: 77.

Recently Gaëtan Armentitook part in 9 matches for the team Pully Lausanne Foxes.


Round 22
2025-03-15 Lions de Genève - Pully Lausanne Foxes 96 - 73
Round 20
2025-03-01 BBC Monthey - Pully Lausanne Foxes 88 - 99
Round 18
2025-02-11 Pully Lausanne Foxes - Union Neuchatel 92 - 72
Round 17
2025-02-08 BBC Nyon - Pully Lausanne Foxes 80 - 95
Round 14
2025-01-14 Pully Lausanne Foxes - Lions de Genève 98 - 106
Round 13
2025-01-04 Pully Lausanne Foxes - Lugano Tigers 112 - 91
Round 8
2024-11-16 Pully Lausanne Foxes - BBC Nyon 94 - 78
Round 7
2024-11-09 Pully Lausanne Foxes - Starwings Basket 86 - 64
Round 5
2024-10-26 Lions de Genève - Pully Lausanne Foxes 88 - 82