Basketball / Players /

Martyna Kuriata – player stats, ratings and matches

Martyna Kuriata

Martyna Kuriata

BC Polkowice


Martyna Kuriata

Player Martyna Kuriata.

Physical indicators: height 164 m. Weight kg.

Martyna Kuriata is currently playing in a team BC Polkowice . Main position: point guard. Game number in starting lineups: 98.

Recently Martyna Kuriatatook part in 7 matches for the team BC Polkowice.


Round 27
2025-03-19 BC Polkowice - Ślęza Wrocław 48 - 105
2025-03-16 Ślęza Wrocław - BC Polkowice 104 - 34
2025-03-15 Ślęza Wrocław - BC Polkowice 108 - 33
Round 18
2025-03-09 BC Polkowice - AZS AJP Gorzów 46 - 116
Round 16
2025-02-22 BC Polkowice - Artego Bydgoszcz 62 - 109
Round 15
2025-02-16 Inea AZS Poznań - BC Polkowice 126 - 46
Round 14
2025-01-18 BC Polkowice - Energa Toruń 46 - 111