Basketball / Players /

Mourad El Khir – player stats, ratings and matches

Mourad El Khir

Mourad El Khir

Levallois SCB


Mourad El Khir

Player Mourad El Khir.

Physical indicators: height 202 m. Weight kg.

Mourad El Khir is currently playing in a team Levallois SCB . Main position: heavy forward. Game number in starting lineups: 10.

Recently Mourad El Khirtook part in 3 matches for the team Levallois SCB.


Nationale 1 Nationale 1
Round 5
2024-10-08 Étoile Angers Basket - Levallois SCB 68 - 78
Round 4
2024-10-04 Levallois SCB - Vitre Aurore 77 - 56
Round 2
2024-09-20 UJAP Quimper - Levallois SCB 73 - 70