Basketball / Players /

Olti Sallabegolli – player stats, ratings and matches

Olti Sallabegolli

Olti Sallabegolli

KB Borea


Olti Sallabegolli

Player Olti Sallabegolli.

Olti Sallabegolli is currently playing in a team KB Borea . Main position: point guard. Game number in starting lineups: 9.

Recently Olti Sallabegollitook part in 4 matches for the team KB Borea.


Five Star Superliga Five Star Superliga
Round 14
2024-12-28 KB Bashkimi - KB Peja 63 - 73
Round 13
2024-12-21 KB Peja - KB Trepça 65 - 64
Round 12
2024-12-14 KB Peja - KB Sigal Prishtina canceled
Liga e Parë e Meshkujve Liga e Parë e Meshkujve
Round 21
2024-02-09 KB Borea - KB Drita 90 - 65