Football / Brazil / Copa do Brasil /

Fortaleza - Ceará (2-0), Copa do Brasil — latest Football results, statistics and series

fortaleza Fortaleza

Fortaleza (BRA)

ceara-sc Ceará

Ceará (BRA)

Match stats

17 Total shots 12
7 Shots on target 4
2 Shots off target 5
8 Blocked shots 3
40% Ball possession 60%
9 Corner kicks 6
9 Shots inside box 7
273 Passes 421
184 (67%) Accurate passes 324 (77%)
22/62 (35%) Long balls 22/52 (42%)
3/16 (19%) Crosses 5/24 (21%)
141 Possession lost 153
42 Duels won 65
12 Aerials won 13
12 Tackles 24
17 Clearances 17
18 Fouls 10
8 Shots outside box 5
9/15 (60%) Dribbles 12/13 (92%)
17 Interceptions 7
4 Yellow cards 5
4 Goalkeeper saves 5
1 Big chances 3
0 Big chances missed 3
44% Ball possession 56%
6 Total shots 6
2 Shots on target 3
2 Shots off target 2
2 Blocked shots 1
5 Corner kicks 3
3 Shots inside box 5
146 Passes 190
100 (68%) Accurate passes 139 (73%)
9/29 (31%) Long balls 11/27 (41%)
1/6 (17%) Crosses 2/7 (29%)
75 Possession lost 73
17 Duels won 38
8 Aerials won 6
4 Tackles 15
7 Clearances 7
3 Shots outside box 1
3/6 (50%) Dribbles 6/7 (86%)
8 Interceptions 3
3 Yellow cards 1
3 Goalkeeper saves 2
0 Big chances 3
0 Big chances missed 3
36% Ball possession 64%
11 Total shots 6
5 Shots on target 1
0 Shots off target 3
6 Blocked shots 2
4 Corner kicks 3
1 Yellow cards 4
1 Big chances 0
0 Big chances missed 0
6 Shots inside box 2
5 Shots outside box 4
1 Goalkeeper saves 3
127 Passes 231
84 (66%) Accurate passes 185 (80%)
13/33 (39%) Long balls 11/25 (44%)
2/10 (20%) Crosses 3/17 (18%)
6/9 (67%) Dribbles 6/6 (100%)
66 Possession lost 80
25 Duels won 27
4 Aerials won 7
8 Tackles 9
9 Interceptions 4
10 Clearances 10

Fortaleza - Ceará

Brazil, Copa do Brasil, match Fortaleza - Ceará, start time 2022-06-22 23:00:00 international time.

Fortaleza and Ceará takes part in the championship Copa do Brasil, Brazil.

You can see the list of players in the squad, head coach and upcoming matches. Also evaluate in more detail the effectiveness and arithmetic average of the teams before the game:

Events: Ceará

Brasileiro Série B Brasileiro Série B
Round 9
2024-06-08 Vila Nova - Ceará -
Round 8
2024-05-31 Ceará - Coritiba -
Round 7
2024-05-25 Ceará - Chapecoense -
Copa do Brasil Copa do Brasil
Round 3
2024-05-24 Ceará - CRB -
Brasileiro Série B Brasileiro Série B
Round 6
2024-05-19 Operário-PR - Ceará -
Round 5
2024-05-16 Ceará - Amazonas FC 2 - 1
Round 4
2024-05-10 Novorizontino - Ceará 0 - 3
Round 3
2024-05-06 Ceará - CRB 2 - 2
Copa do Brasil Copa do Brasil
2024-05-02 CRB - Ceará 1 - 0
Brasileiro Série B Brasileiro Série B
Round 2
2024-04-29 Mirassol - Ceará 3 - 2