Football / Ghana /

GAED Division 3 - season stats and match results

GAED Division 3

GAED Division 3 2024-2025

Season performance


Teams Overall (Average) Home (Average) Away (Average)
Games Total Scored Missed Games Total Scored Missed Games Total Scored Missed
FC Daniok FC Daniok 13 2.92 2 0.92 8 2.88 2 0.88 5 3 2 1
FC Jesden FC Jesden 11 1.91 1.36 0.55 6 2 1.67 0.33 5 1.8 1 0.8
FC Adenta Rising FC Adenta Rising 13 2.62 1.38 1.23 8 2.25 1.38 0.88 5 3.2 1.4 1.8
FC Ofankor Nice Ibrahim FC Ofankor Nice Ibrahim 12 4 2.67 1.33 5 6 4.8 1.2 7 2.57 1.14 1.43
FC Angels United FC Angels United 9 2.78 0.56 2.22 4 3 1 2 5 2.6 0.2 2.4
FC Winkot FC Winkot 11 1.55 1 0.55 4 0.25 0 0.25 7 2.29 1.57 0.71
FC Lizzy Sports FC Lizzy Sports 14 2.86 1.29 1.57 8 2.75 1.25 1.5 6 3 1.33 1.67
FC Five Stars FC Five Stars 12 2.5 1.25 1.25 6 2.33 1.67 0.67 6 2.67 0.83 1.83
SC Young Sappers SC Young Sappers 11 2.82 1 1.82 7 2 1.14 0.86 4 4.25 0.75 3.5
FC Young African Promises FC Young African Promises 10 3.1 2.4 0.7 3 4.67 3.67 1 7 2.43 1.86 0.57
FC Bawaleshie Young Boys FC Bawaleshie Young Boys 13 2.38 1.46 0.92 7 2.57 1.86 0.71 6 2.17 1 1.17
FC Paga Zenga FC Paga Zenga 13 2.62 1.38 1.23 6 2.33 0.83 1.5 7 2.86 1.86 1
FC Beautiful Game FC Beautiful Game 14 2.64 1.21 1.43 9 1.67 0.44 1.22 5 4.4 2.6 1.8
FC Madina Super Cardinals FC Madina Super Cardinals 11 3.91 0.36 3.55 4 7 0.75 6.25 7 2.14 0.14 2
SC Madina Miacle SC Madina Miacle 13 2.85 0.77 2.08 6 2.67 1 1.67 7 3 0.57 2.43
A.S Koppan A.S Koppan 13 3.92 3.31 0.62 7 5.14 4.86 0.29 6 2.5 1.5 1
Twenty Fifteen FC Twenty Fifteen FC 13 3.85 0.92 2.92 7 3.57 1.14 2.43 6 4.17 0.67 3.5
FC Madina United FC Madina United 12 3 2.17 0.83 5 3.6 2.8 0.8 7 2.57 1.71 0.86
FC Bossman FC Bossman 11 2.55 0.91 1.64 5 2.4 0.8 1.6 6 2.67 1 1.67
FC Akyireba FC Akyireba 14 2 1.43 0.57 6 3 2.5 0.5 8 1.25 0.63 0.63
FC Madina Pure FC Madina Pure 12 2.75 1.25 1.5 7 2.29 1.57 0.71 5 3.4 0.8 2.6
FC Dortmund FC Dortmund 12 2.67 0.75 1.92 5 2.4 1 1.4 7 2.86 0.57 2.29
FC Pek Legacy FC Pek Legacy 12 2.08 1.42 0.67 6 1 0.67 0.33 6 3.17 2.17 1
FC Hospas FC Hospas 12 3.5 1 2.5 7 3.29 1 2.29 5 3.8 1 2.8
FC Soka FC Soka 13 3.23 1.23 2 6 3.5 1.5 2 7 3 1 2
Adenta Youth Sporting Academy Adenta Youth Sporting Academy 14 2.93 1.93 1 8 3.25 2.38 0.88 6 2.5 1.33 1.17
Mountaineers FC Mountaineers FC 14 2.14 1.86 0.29 8 2.38 2.13 0.25 6 1.83 1.5 0.33
FC EJ FC EJ 14 3.43 2.43 1 6 3.67 2.5 1.17 8 3.25 2.38 0.88
FC Great Farcos FC Great Farcos 13 2.46 1.85 0.62 7 1.86 1.43 0.43 6 3.17 2.33 0.83
Pride Soccer Academy Pride Soccer Academy 12 2.08 0.75 1.33 6 2.5 1.5 1 6 1.67 0 1.67
FC Asooya Young Talent FC Asooya Young Talent 11 4.18 3.36 0.82 6 2.5 1.83 0.67 5 6.2 5.2 1
Atomic Gateway Sporting Academy Atomic Gateway Sporting Academy 14 4.21 0.71 3.5 7 5 1 4 7 3.43 0.43 3
FC Goldberg FC Goldberg 12 3.83 0.42 3.42 5 3.4 0.2 3.2 7 4.14 0.57 3.57
FC Top-Flight FC Top-Flight 13 3.31 2.69 0.62 6 3.33 2.67 0.67 7 3.29 2.71 0.57
FC Marrion FC Marrion 13 3.15 2.31 0.85 8 2.75 1.63 1.13 5 3.8 3.4 0.4
FC Jil Eagles FC Jil Eagles 13 3.54 2.62 0.92 6 3.5 2.5 1 7 3.57 2.71 0.86
FC Palmerias Africa FC Palmerias Africa 10 2.6 2.1 0.5 7 3 2.57 0.43 3 1.67 1 0.67
YDS 18 Quinta Trust YDS 18 Quinta Trust 11 2.45 1.18 1.27 4 2 1.25 0.75 7 2.71 1.14 1.57
FC Yaogo FC Yaogo 14 2.5 1.07 1.43 6 2.83 1.67 1.17 8 2.25 0.63 1.63
FC Grace Empire FC Grace Empire 13 3.08 1.46 1.62 6 2.67 1.83 0.83 7 3.43 1.14 2.29
Union Sportive Avranches Union Sportive Avranches 13 3 0 3 6 3 0 3 7 3 0 3
FC Abu FC Abu 12 3.17 0.08 3.08 6 3.33 0.17 3.17 6 3 0 3

Over / Under 2.5

Teams Overall (Average) Home (Average) Away (Average)
Games O 2.5 U 2.5 O 2.5 (%) U 2.5 (%) Games O 2.5 U 2.5 O 2.5 (%) U 2.5 (%) Games O 2.5 U 2.5 O 2.5 (%) U 2.5 (%)
FC Daniok FC Daniok 13 10 3 76.92 23.08 8 6 2 75 25 5 4 1 80 20
FC Jesden FC Jesden 11 5 6 45.45 54.55 6 3 3 50 50 5 2 3 40 60
FC Adenta Rising FC Adenta Rising 13 5 8 38.46 61.54 8 3 5 37.5 62.5 5 2 3 40 60
FC Ofankor Nice Ibrahim FC Ofankor Nice Ibrahim 12 9 3 75 25 5 5 0 100 0 7 4 3 57.14 42.86
FC Angels United FC Angels United 9 5 4 55.56 44.44 4 2 2 50 50 5 3 2 60 40
FC Winkot FC Winkot 11 4 7 36.36 63.64 4 0 4 0 100 7 4 3 57.14 42.86
FC Lizzy Sports FC Lizzy Sports 14 9 5 64.29 35.71 8 5 3 62.5 37.5 6 4 2 66.67 33.33
FC Five Stars FC Five Stars 12 6 6 50 50 6 3 3 50 50 6 3 3 50 50
SC Young Sappers SC Young Sappers 11 6 5 54.55 45.45 7 3 4 42.86 57.14 4 3 1 75 25
FC Young African Promises FC Young African Promises 10 7 3 70 30 3 3 0 100 0 7 4 3 57.14 42.86
FC Bawaleshie Young Boys FC Bawaleshie Young Boys 13 7 6 53.85 46.15 7 4 3 57.14 42.86 6 3 3 50 50
FC Paga Zenga FC Paga Zenga 13 8 5 61.54 38.46 6 4 2 66.67 33.33 7 4 3 57.14 42.86
FC Beautiful Game FC Beautiful Game 14 7 7 50 50 9 2 7 22.22 77.78 5 5 0 100 0
FC Madina Super Cardinals FC Madina Super Cardinals 11 6 5 54.55 45.45 4 4 0 100 0 7 2 5 28.57 71.43
SC Madina Miacle SC Madina Miacle 13 7 6 53.85 46.15 6 4 2 66.67 33.33 7 3 4 42.86 57.14
A.S Koppan A.S Koppan 13 8 5 61.54 38.46 7 5 2 71.43 28.57 6 3 3 50 50
Twenty Fifteen FC Twenty Fifteen FC 13 9 4 69.23 30.77 7 4 3 57.14 42.86 6 5 1 83.33 16.67
FC Madina United FC Madina United 12 8 4 66.67 33.33 5 4 1 80 20 7 4 3 57.14 42.86
FC Bossman FC Bossman 11 6 5 54.55 45.45 5 2 3 40 60 6 4 2 66.67 33.33
FC Akyireba FC Akyireba 14 6 8 42.86 57.14 6 5 1 83.33 16.67 8 1 7 12.5 87.5
FC Madina Pure FC Madina Pure 12 5 7 41.67 58.33 7 3 4 42.86 57.14 5 2 3 40 60
FC Dortmund FC Dortmund 12 7 5 58.33 41.67 5 2 3 40 60 7 5 2 71.43 28.57
FC Pek Legacy FC Pek Legacy 12 6 6 50 50 6 1 5 16.67 83.33 6 5 1 83.33 16.67
FC Hospas FC Hospas 12 7 5 58.33 41.67 7 4 3 57.14 42.86 5 3 2 60 40
FC Soka FC Soka 13 8 5 61.54 38.46 6 4 2 66.67 33.33 7 4 3 57.14 42.86
Adenta Youth Sporting Academy Adenta Youth Sporting Academy 14 10 4 71.43 28.57 8 7 1 87.5 12.5 6 3 3 50 50
Mountaineers FC Mountaineers FC 14 5 9 35.71 64.29 8 3 5 37.5 62.5 6 2 4 33.33 66.67
FC EJ FC EJ 14 7 7 50 50 6 2 4 33.33 66.67 8 5 3 62.5 37.5
FC Great Farcos FC Great Farcos 13 5 8 38.46 61.54 7 2 5 28.57 71.43 6 3 3 50 50
Pride Soccer Academy Pride Soccer Academy 12 7 5 58.33 41.67 6 4 2 66.67 33.33 6 3 3 50 50
FC Asooya Young Talent FC Asooya Young Talent 11 8 3 72.73 27.27 6 3 3 50 50 5 5 0 100 0
Atomic Gateway Sporting Academy Atomic Gateway Sporting Academy 14 10 4 71.43 28.57 7 6 1 85.71 14.29 7 4 3 57.14 42.86
FC Goldberg FC Goldberg 12 9 3 75 25 5 3 2 60 40 7 6 1 85.71 14.29
FC Top-Flight FC Top-Flight 13 9 4 69.23 30.77 6 4 2 66.67 33.33 7 5 2 71.43 28.57
FC Marrion FC Marrion 13 7 6 53.85 46.15 8 5 3 62.5 37.5 5 2 3 40 60
FC Jil Eagles FC Jil Eagles 13 9 4 69.23 30.77 6 4 2 66.67 33.33 7 5 2 71.43 28.57
FC Palmerias Africa FC Palmerias Africa 10 3 7 30 70 7 3 4 42.86 57.14 3 0 3 0 100
YDS 18 Quinta Trust YDS 18 Quinta Trust 11 5 6 45.45 54.55 4 2 2 50 50 7 3 4 42.86 57.14
FC Yaogo FC Yaogo 14 7 7 50 50 6 4 2 66.67 33.33 8 3 5 37.5 62.5
FC Grace Empire FC Grace Empire 13 9 4 69.23 30.77 6 4 2 66.67 33.33 7 5 2 71.43 28.57
Union Sportive Avranches Union Sportive Avranches 13 13 0 100 0 6 6 0 100 0 7 7 0 100 0
FC Abu FC Abu 12 12 0 100 0 6 6 0 100 0 6 6 0 100 0


GAED Division 3 - Zone 1 24/25: 2024-2025

Standings table
# Teams P W D L Goals PTS
FC Young African Promises FC Young African Promises 13 11 1 1 48:9 34
FC Jesden FC Jesden 13 10 0 3 32:24 30
FC Ofankor Nice Ibrahim FC Ofankor Nice Ibrahim 13 9 2 2 40:17 29
FC Daniok FC Daniok 12 7 4 1 29:11 25
FC Adenta Rising FC Adenta Rising 13 7 3 3 26:25 24
FC Winkot FC Winkot 13 7 1 5 19:18 22
FC Great Farcos FC Great Farcos 13 5 4 4 28:16 19
FC Five Stars FC Five Stars 13 4 5 4 17:15 17
FC Yaogo FC Yaogo 14 3 4 7 18:26 13
Pride Soccer Academy Pride Soccer Academy 13 3 3 7 15:29 12
FC Lizzy Sports FC Lizzy Sports 14 3 3 8 18:22 12
SC Young Sappers SC Young Sappers 13 3 2 8 14:31 11
FC Angels United FC Angels United 12 3 0 9 10:32 9
Union Sportive Avranches Union Sportive Avranches 13 0 0 13 0:39 0

GAED Division 3 - Zone 2 24/25: 2024-2025

Standings table
# Teams P W D L Goals PTS
FC Asooya Young Talent FC Asooya Young Talent 14 10 4 0 51:10 34
A.S Koppan A.S Koppan 14 9 2 3 46:11 29
FC Jil Eagles FC Jil Eagles 13 8 4 1 45:15 28
FC Top-Flight FC Top-Flight 13 8 3 2 35:9 27
FC Madina United FC Madina United 13 7 6 0 32:11 27
FC Marrion FC Marrion 14 7 4 3 38:11 25
FC Bawaleshie Young Boys FC Bawaleshie Young Boys 13 6 3 4 23:13 21
FC Beautiful Game FC Beautiful Game 13 5 1 7 23:21 16
FC Paga Zenga FC Paga Zenga 13 4 3 6 21:20 15
Twenty Fifteen FC Twenty Fifteen FC 13 3 2 8 13:42 11
SC Madina Miacle SC Madina Miacle 14 3 1 10 14:39 10
Atomic Gateway Sporting Academy Atomic Gateway Sporting Academy 14 2 3 9 15:64 9
FC Goldberg FC Goldberg 14 2 1 11 13:48 7
FC Madina Super Cardinals FC Madina Super Cardinals 13 1 1 11 6:61 4

GAED Division 3 - Zone 3 24/25: 2024-2025

Standings table
# Teams P W D L Goals PTS
Mountaineers FC Mountaineers FC 12 10 1 1 26:4 31
FC Pek Legacy FC Pek Legacy 12 9 1 2 22:10 28
FC EJ FC EJ 14 8 3 3 35:14 27
Adenta Youth Sporting Academy Adenta Youth Sporting Academy 13 8 1 4 27:13 25
FC Palmerias Africa FC Palmerias Africa 12 7 3 2 23:9 24
FC Akyireba FC Akyireba 13 7 3 3 21:11 24
FC Grace Empire FC Grace Empire 13 5 2 6 20:21 17
YDS 18 Quinta Trust YDS 18 Quinta Trust 12 4 4 4 14:14 16
FC Madina Pure FC Madina Pure 12 4 1 7 16:21 13
FC Soka FC Soka 13 2 6 5 19:26 12
FC Dortmund FC Dortmund 13 2 5 6 12:26 11
FC Bossman FC Bossman 10 2 2 6 10:19 8
FC Hospas FC Hospas 12 2 2 8 12:30 8
FC Abu FC Abu 13 0 0 13 1:40 0


GAED Division 3 GAED Division 3
Round 15
2025-03-16 FC Angels United - FC Daniok -
2025-03-16 FC Yaogo - FC Adenta Rising -
2025-03-16 Pride Soccer Academy - SC Young Sappers -
2025-03-16 FC Madina United - FC Asooya Young Talent -
2025-03-16 FC Top-Flight - FC Marrion -
2025-03-16 FC Akyireba - FC Palmerias Africa -
2025-03-16 FC Dortmund - Mountaineers FC -
2025-03-16 FC Ofankor Nice Ibrahim - FC Lizzy Sports -
2025-03-16 FC Jil Eagles - FC Bawaleshie Young Boys -
2025-03-15 FC Winkot - FC Great Farcos -
2025-03-15 Atomic Gateway Sporting Academy - A.S Koppan -
2025-03-15 FC Paga Zenga - FC Beautiful Game -
2025-03-15 FC Bossman - FC Soka -
2025-03-15 FC Goldberg - SC Madina Miacle -
2025-03-15 FC Madina Super Cardinals - Twenty Fifteen FC -
Round 14
2025-03-09 FC Daniok - FC Five Stars 3 - 2
2025-03-09 FC Adenta Rising - FC Young African Promises 1 - 1
2025-03-09 SC Young Sappers - FC Winkot -
2025-03-09 FC Bawaleshie Young Boys - FC Top-Flight -
2025-03-09 Twenty Fifteen FC - FC Paga Zenga -
2025-03-09 Adenta Youth Sporting Academy - FC Grace Empire 3 - 1
2025-03-09 FC Madina Pure - FC Akyireba 0 - 0
2025-03-09 FC Soka - FC Hospas -
2025-03-09 FC Beautiful Game - FC Jil Eagles 0 - 2
2025-03-09 FC Palmerias Africa - FC Bossman -
2025-03-08 SC Madina Miacle - Atomic Gateway Sporting Academy 0 - 0
2025-03-08 FC Pek Legacy - FC EJ 1 - 0
2025-03-08 Mountaineers FC - YDS 18 Quinta Trust 2 - 0
2025-03-08 FC Great Farcos - FC Angels United canceled
2025-03-08 A.S Koppan - FC Madina United 0 - 0

GAED Division 3

Ghana, championship GAED Division 3: standings, schedule of upcoming matches, video of key events of the championship.

The current season runs from 14th December 2024 to 30th June 2025.

Season 2024-2025: The first place in the championship standings GAED Division 3 takes the team FC Young African Promises (34 points).