Football / Italy /

Serie A Femminile - season stats and match results

Serie A Femminile

Serie A Femminile 2024-2025

Season performance


Teams Overall (Average) Home (Average) Away (Average)
Games Total Scored Missed Games Total Scored Missed Games Total Scored Missed
Fiorentina Fiorentina 17 2.82 1.41 1.41 8 3.25 2 1.25 9 2.44 0.89 1.56
Roma Roma 17 3.29 2.12 1.18 9 3 2.11 0.89 8 3.63 2.13 1.5
Lazio Lazio 16 2.88 1.44 1.44 8 2.38 1.38 1 8 3.38 1.5 1.88
Inter Inter 17 2.35 1.76 0.59 9 1.89 1.67 0.22 8 2.88 1.88 1
Milan Milan 17 2.76 1.47 1.29 8 2.75 1.88 0.88 9 2.78 1.11 1.67
Juventus Juventus 16 3.69 2.75 0.94 8 3.75 2.88 0.88 8 3.63 2.63 1
Napoli Napoli 16 2.25 0.31 1.94 8 2.25 0.38 1.88 8 2.25 0.25 2
FC Como FC Como 16 3 1.38 1.63 8 2.63 1.13 1.5 8 3.38 1.63 1.75
Sampdoria Sampdoria 17 2.76 0.47 2.29 8 3 0.75 2.25 9 2.56 0.22 2.33
Sassuolo Sassuolo 17 3.59 1.59 2 9 4.44 2 2.44 8 2.63 1.13 1.5

Over / Under 2.5

Teams Overall (Average) Home (Average) Away (Average)
Games O 2.5 U 2.5 O 2.5 (%) U 2.5 (%) Games O 2.5 U 2.5 O 2.5 (%) U 2.5 (%) Games O 2.5 U 2.5 O 2.5 (%) U 2.5 (%)
Fiorentina Fiorentina 17 10 7 58.82 41.18 8 6 2 75 25 9 4 5 44.44 55.56
Roma Roma 17 13 4 76.47 23.53 9 7 2 77.78 22.22 8 6 2 75 25
Lazio Lazio 16 10 6 62.5 37.5 8 4 4 50 50 8 6 2 75 25
Inter Inter 17 7 10 41.18 58.82 9 2 7 22.22 77.78 8 5 3 62.5 37.5
Milan Milan 17 9 8 52.94 47.06 8 4 4 50 50 9 5 4 55.56 44.44
Juventus Juventus 16 13 3 81.25 18.75 8 7 1 87.5 12.5 8 6 2 75 25
Napoli Napoli 16 8 8 50 50 8 4 4 50 50 8 4 4 50 50
FC Como FC Como 16 10 6 62.5 37.5 8 4 4 50 50 8 6 2 75 25
Sampdoria Sampdoria 17 10 7 58.82 41.18 8 5 3 62.5 37.5 9 5 4 55.56 44.44
Sassuolo Sassuolo 17 12 5 70.59 29.41 9 8 1 88.89 11.11 8 4 4 50 50

Ball possession (%)

Teams Overall (Average) Home (Average) Away (Average)
Games Result Average Games Result Average Games Result Average
Fiorentina Fiorentina 17 933 54.88 8 427 53.38 9 506 56.22
Roma Roma 17 1005 59.12 9 517 57.44 8 488 61
Lazio Lazio 16 870 54.38 8 439 54.88 8 431 53.88
Inter Inter 17 971 57.12 9 520 57.78 8 451 56.38
Milan Milan 17 998 58.71 8 476 59.5 9 522 58
Juventus Juventus 16 789 49.31 8 353 44.13 8 436 54.5
Napoli Napoli 16 572 35.75 8 295 36.88 8 277 34.63
FC Como FC Como 16 752 47 8 401 50.13 8 351 43.88
Sampdoria Sampdoria 17 578 34 8 305 38.13 9 273 30.33
Sassuolo Sassuolo 17 732 43.06 9 403 44.78 8 329 41.13

Corner kicks

Teams Overall (Average) Home (Average) Away (Average)
Games Result Average Games Result Average Games Result Average
Fiorentina Fiorentina 17 108 6.35 8 50 6.25 9 58 6.44
Roma Roma 17 145 8.53 9 71 7.89 8 74 9.25
Lazio Lazio 16 80 5 8 51 6.38 8 29 3.63
Inter Inter 17 82 4.82 9 37 4.11 8 45 5.63
Milan Milan 17 97 5.71 8 45 5.63 9 52 5.78
Juventus Juventus 16 92 5.75 8 50 6.25 8 42 5.25
Napoli Napoli 16 34 2.13 8 22 2.75 8 12 1.5
FC Como FC Como 16 71 4.44 8 40 5 8 31 3.88
Sampdoria Sampdoria 17 47 2.76 8 22 2.75 9 25 2.78
Sassuolo Sassuolo 17 58 3.41 9 27 3 8 31 3.88


Teams Overall (Average) Home (Average) Away (Average)
Games Result Average Games Result Average Games Result Average
Fiorentina Fiorentina 17 28 1.65 8 15 1.88 9 13 1.44
Roma Roma 17 26 1.53 9 12 1.33 8 14 1.75
Lazio Lazio 16 39 2.44 8 19 2.38 8 20 2.5
Inter Inter 17 42 2.47 9 24 2.67 8 18 2.25
Milan Milan 17 31 1.82 8 15 1.88 9 16 1.78
Juventus Juventus 16 31 1.94 8 24 3 8 7 0.88
Napoli Napoli 16 22 1.38 8 13 1.63 8 9 1.13
FC Como FC Como 16 19 1.19 8 8 1 8 11 1.38
Sampdoria Sampdoria 17 33 1.94 8 20 2.5 9 13 1.44
Sassuolo Sassuolo 17 44 2.59 9 33 3.67 8 11 1.38


Teams Overall (Average) Home (Average) Away (Average)
Games Result Average Games Result Average Games Result Average
Fiorentina Fiorentina 17 209 12.29 8 105 13.13 9 104 11.56
Roma Roma 17 147 8.65 9 86 9.56 8 61 7.63
Lazio Lazio 16 230 14.38 8 130 16.25 8 100 12.5
Inter Inter 17 163 9.59 9 82 9.11 8 81 10.13
Milan Milan 17 188 11.06 8 89 11.13 9 99 11
Juventus Juventus 16 147 9.19 8 63 7.88 8 84 10.5
Napoli Napoli 16 219 13.69 8 103 12.88 8 116 14.5
FC Como FC Como 16 197 12.31 8 92 11.5 8 105 13.13
Sampdoria Sampdoria 17 206 12.12 8 97 12.13 9 109 12.11
Sassuolo Sassuolo 17 227 13.35 9 124 13.78 8 103 12.88

Yellow cards

Teams Overall (Average) Home (Average) Away (Average)
Games Result Average Games Result Average Games Result Average
Fiorentina Fiorentina 17 28 1.65 8 13 1.63 9 15 1.67
Roma Roma 17 15 0.88 9 12 1.33 8 3 0.38
Lazio Lazio 16 28 1.75 8 16 2 8 12 1.5
Inter Inter 17 20 1.18 9 6 0.67 8 14 1.75
Milan Milan 17 22 1.29 8 11 1.38 9 11 1.22
Juventus Juventus 16 12 0.75 8 4 0.5 8 8 1
Napoli Napoli 16 26 1.63 8 13 1.63 8 13 1.63
FC Como FC Como 16 24 1.5 8 10 1.25 8 14 1.75
Sampdoria Sampdoria 17 23 1.35 8 7 0.88 9 16 1.78
Sassuolo Sassuolo 17 27 1.59 9 11 1.22 8 16 2

Total shots

Teams Overall (Average) Home (Average) Away (Average)
Games Result Average Games Result Average Games Result Average
Fiorentina Fiorentina 17 222 13.06 8 101 12.63 9 121 13.44
Roma Roma 17 350 20.59 9 180 20 8 170 21.25
Lazio Lazio 16 250 15.63 8 134 16.75 8 116 14.5
Inter Inter 17 240 14.12 9 137 15.22 8 103 12.88
Milan Milan 17 283 16.65 8 121 15.13 9 162 18
Juventus Juventus 16 250 15.63 8 116 14.5 8 134 16.75
Napoli Napoli 16 77 4.81 8 40 5 8 37 4.63
FC Como FC Como 16 228 14.25 8 124 15.5 8 104 13
Sampdoria Sampdoria 17 142 8.35 8 75 9.38 9 67 7.44
Sassuolo Sassuolo 17 186 10.94 9 104 11.56 8 82 10.25

Shots on target

Teams Overall (Average) Home (Average) Away (Average)
Games Result Average Games Result Average Games Result Average
Fiorentina Fiorentina 17 78 4.59 8 38 4.75 9 40 4.44
Roma Roma 17 123 7.24 9 68 7.56 8 55 6.88
Lazio Lazio 16 92 5.75 8 53 6.63 8 39 4.88
Inter Inter 17 90 5.29 9 46 5.11 8 44 5.5
Milan Milan 17 104 6.12 8 53 6.63 9 51 5.67
Juventus Juventus 16 104 6.5 8 51 6.38 8 53 6.63
Napoli Napoli 16 18 1.13 8 11 1.38 8 7 0.88
FC Como FC Como 16 84 5.25 8 41 5.13 8 43 5.38
Sampdoria Sampdoria 17 48 2.82 8 28 3.5 9 20 2.22
Sassuolo Sassuolo 17 73 4.29 9 35 3.89 8 38 4.75

Blocked shots

Teams Overall (Average) Home (Average) Away (Average)
Games Result Average Games Result Average Games Result Average
Fiorentina Fiorentina 17 62 3.65 8 27 3.38 9 35 3.89
Roma Roma 17 103 6.06 9 46 5.11 8 57 7.13
Lazio Lazio 16 66 4.13 8 31 3.88 8 35 4.38
Inter Inter 17 56 3.29 9 33 3.67 8 23 2.88
Milan Milan 17 66 3.88 8 22 2.75 9 44 4.89
Juventus Juventus 16 61 3.81 8 26 3.25 8 35 4.38
Napoli Napoli 16 27 1.69 8 13 1.63 8 14 1.75
FC Como FC Como 16 44 2.75 8 28 3.5 8 16 2
Sampdoria Sampdoria 17 35 2.06 8 16 2 9 19 2.11
Sassuolo Sassuolo 17 41 2.41 9 22 2.44 8 19 2.38

Shots inside box

Teams Overall (Average) Home (Average) Away (Average)
Games Result Average Games Result Average Games Result Average
Fiorentina Fiorentina 17 140 8.24 8 62 7.75 9 78 8.67
Roma Roma 17 211 12.41 9 102 11.33 8 109 13.63
Lazio Lazio 16 167 10.44 8 99 12.38 8 68 8.5
Inter Inter 17 164 9.65 9 90 10 8 74 9.25
Milan Milan 17 156 9.18 8 73 9.13 9 83 9.22
Juventus Juventus 16 168 10.5 8 76 9.5 8 92 11.5
Napoli Napoli 16 41 2.56 8 22 2.75 8 19 2.38
FC Como FC Como 16 140 8.75 8 77 9.63 8 63 7.88
Sampdoria Sampdoria 17 79 4.65 8 47 5.88 9 32 3.56
Sassuolo Sassuolo 17 107 6.29 9 61 6.78 8 46 5.75

Shots outside box

Teams Overall (Average) Home (Average) Away (Average)
Games Result Average Games Result Average Games Result Average
Fiorentina Fiorentina 17 82 4.82 8 39 4.88 9 43 4.78
Roma Roma 17 139 8.18 9 78 8.67 8 61 7.63
Lazio Lazio 16 83 5.19 8 35 4.38 8 48 6
Inter Inter 17 76 4.47 9 47 5.22 8 29 3.63
Milan Milan 17 127 7.47 8 48 6 9 79 8.78
Juventus Juventus 16 82 5.13 8 40 5 8 42 5.25
Napoli Napoli 16 36 2.25 8 18 2.25 8 18 2.25
FC Como FC Como 16 88 5.5 8 47 5.88 8 41 5.13
Sampdoria Sampdoria 17 63 3.71 8 28 3.5 9 35 3.89
Sassuolo Sassuolo 17 79 4.65 9 43 4.78 8 36 4.5

Big chances (xG)

Teams Overall (Average) Home (Average) Away (Average)
Games Result Average Games Result Average Games Result Average
Fiorentina Fiorentina 17 18 1.06 8 9 1.13 9 9 1
Roma Roma 17 18 1.06 9 10 1.11 8 8 1
Lazio Lazio 16 24 1.5 8 12 1.5 8 12 1.5
Inter Inter 17 27 1.59 9 18 2 8 9 1.13
Milan Milan 17 19 1.12 8 11 1.38 9 8 0.89
Juventus Juventus 16 31 1.94 8 15 1.88 8 16 2
Napoli Napoli 16 5 0.31 8 3 0.38 8 2 0.25
FC Como FC Como 16 17 1.06 8 8 1 8 9 1.13
Sampdoria Sampdoria 17 5 0.29 8 4 0.5 9 1 0.11
Sassuolo Sassuolo 17 16 0.94 9 11 1.22 8 5 0.63

Big chances missed (xG)

Teams Overall (Average) Home (Average) Away (Average)
Games Result Average Games Result Average Games Result Average
Fiorentina Fiorentina 17 9 0.53 8 3 0.38 9 6 0.67
Roma Roma 17 11 0.65 9 6 0.67 8 5 0.63
Lazio Lazio 16 13 0.81 8 7 0.88 8 6 0.75
Inter Inter 17 14 0.82 9 11 1.22 8 3 0.38
Milan Milan 17 4 0.24 8 2 0.25 9 2 0.22
Juventus Juventus 16 11 0.69 8 6 0.75 8 5 0.63
Napoli Napoli 16 4 0.25 8 2 0.25 8 2 0.25
FC Como FC Como 16 6 0.38 8 4 0.5 8 2 0.25
Sampdoria Sampdoria 17 1 0.06 8 1 0.13 9 0 0
Sassuolo Sassuolo 17 8 0.47 9 5 0.56 8 3 0.38


Serie A, Women: 2024-2025

Standings table
# Teams P W D L Goals PTS
Juventus Juventus 16 13 2 1 44:15 41
Inter Inter 17 11 4 2 30:10 37
Roma Roma 17 10 4 3 36:20 34
Fiorentina Fiorentina 17 8 3 6 24:24 27
Milan Milan 17 7 4 6 25:22 25
FC Como FC Como 16 7 1 8 22:26 22
Lazio Lazio 16 4 4 8 23:23 16
Sassuolo Sassuolo 17 4 4 9 27:34 16
Sampdoria Sampdoria 17 1 5 11 8:39 8
Napoli Napoli 16 1 3 12 5:31 6


Serie A Femminile Serie A Femminile
Round 18
2025-02-08 Fiorentina - Roma -
2025-02-08 Lazio - Inter -
2025-02-08 Milan - Juventus -
2025-02-08 Napoli - FC Como -
2025-02-08 Sampdoria - Sassuolo -
Round 17
2025-02-02 FC Como - Lazio -
2025-02-02 Juventus - Napoli -
2025-02-01 Sassuolo - Milan 2 - 3
2025-02-01 Roma - Sampdoria 4 - 0
2025-02-01 Inter - Fiorentina 2 - 0
Round 16
2025-01-26 Napoli - Sampdoria 0 - 1
2025-01-25 Milan - Roma 3 - 2
2025-01-25 FC Como - Sassuolo 0 - 3
2025-01-25 Lazio - Fiorentina 2 - 0
2025-01-24 Juventus - Inter 2 - 0
Round 15
2025-01-19 Fiorentina - Sassuolo 1 - 1
2025-01-19 Roma - Juventus 3 - 1
2025-01-19 Inter - FC Como 1 - 0
2025-01-19 Sampdoria - Milan 2 - 2
2025-01-18 Napoli - Lazio 0 - 4
Round 14
2025-01-12 Roma - Inter 1 - 2
2025-01-12 Milan - Napoli 6 - 0

Serie A Femminile

Italy, championship Serie A Femminile: standings, schedule of upcoming matches, video of key events of the championship.

The current season runs from 30th August 2024 to 26th May 2025.

The current championship champion Serie A Femminile is Roma, and the most titled Torres Calcio.

Season 2024-2025: The first place in the championship standings Serie A Femminile takes the team Juventus (41 points).

The date of the

from 2024-08-30
to 2025-05-26

Tournament performance

Information obtained from open sources
Division level 1
Number of rounds 22
Average goals 2.97
Home team wins 37%
Draws 12%
Away team wins 51%
Yellow cards 3.23
Red cards 0.11



Reigning champion

Torres Calcio

Titled (7)