Football / Libya /

Premier League - season stats and match results

Premier League

Premier League 2024-2025

Season performance


Teams Overall (Average) Home (Average) Away (Average)
Games Total Scored Missed Games Total Scored Missed Games Total Scored Missed
Al Khums SC Al Khums SC 13 1.69 0.46 1.23 6 1.67 0.33 1.33 7 1.71 0.57 1.14
Al Dahra Tripoli FC Al Dahra Tripoli FC 14 1.57 0.43 1.14 7 1.57 0.43 1.14 7 1.57 0.43 1.14
Libyan Stadium Libyan Stadium 13 2.08 1 1.08 6 1.83 0.83 1 7 2.29 1.14 1.14
Al Madina Tripoli SC Al Madina Tripoli SC 13 2.69 1.77 0.92 7 3 1.86 1.14 6 2.33 1.67 0.67
Abelashhar SC Abelashhar SC 13 1.62 0.54 1.08 6 1.83 0.67 1.17 7 1.43 0.43 1
Al Ahli Tripoli Al Ahli Tripoli 13 2.62 2.38 0.23 7 2.43 2.29 0.14 6 2.83 2.5 0.33
Asaria SC Asaria SC 14 2.79 1 1.79 7 2.57 1.14 1.43 7 3 0.86 2.14
Elettihad Almisraty SC Elettihad Almisraty SC 13 1.77 0.92 0.85 7 2.14 1.14 1 6 1.33 0.67 0.67
Al Ittihad SC Al Ittihad SC 13 1.85 1.23 0.62 6 1.83 1.17 0.67 7 1.86 1.29 0.57
Shabab Al Ghar Shabab Al Ghar 13 1.62 0.92 0.69 7 1.43 0.86 0.57 6 1.83 1 0.83
Asswehly Misrata SC Asswehly Misrata SC 13 3 2.31 0.69 6 3.17 2.67 0.5 7 2.86 2 0.86
Olympic Azzawiya SC Olympic Azzawiya SC 14 2.43 1.79 0.64 7 2.71 2 0.71 7 2.14 1.57 0.57
Abu Salim Tripoli SC Abu Salim Tripoli SC 13 2.08 1 1.08 6 1.67 0.83 0.83 7 2.43 1.14 1.29
Al Majd Tripoli SCS Al Majd Tripoli SCS 13 3 1.31 1.69 7 2.43 1.29 1.14 6 3.67 1.33 2.33
Al Tersana Tripoli Al Tersana Tripoli 14 2.36 0.93 1.43 7 3 1.29 1.71 7 1.71 0.57 1.14
Al Bashayer Misrata Al Bashayer Misrata 13 2.38 1.08 1.31 7 2.43 1.14 1.29 6 2.33 1 1.33
Al Tahaddy Benghazi SC Al Tahaddy Benghazi SC 13 1.69 1.15 0.54 6 2.33 2 0.33 7 1.14 0.43 0.71
Al Akhdar SC Al Akhdar SC 13 2.46 1.62 0.85 7 3 2 1 6 1.83 1.17 0.67
Al Ansar Al Bayda Al Ansar Al Bayda 13 2.77 1.08 1.69 6 2 1.17 0.83 7 3.43 1 2.43
Al Anwar Al Abyar SC Al Anwar Al Abyar SC 13 3 1.31 1.69 7 3.57 2 1.57 6 2.33 0.5 1.83
Al Borouq FC Al Borouq FC 13 2.15 0.92 1.23 6 1.5 0.67 0.83 7 2.71 1.14 1.57
Khaleej Sirte SC Khaleej Sirte SC 14 2.43 0.93 1.5 7 2.14 1.29 0.86 7 2.71 0.57 2.14
Al Soqour Tobruk Al Soqour Tobruk 14 2.36 1.21 1.14 7 1.86 1.43 0.43 7 2.86 1 1.86
Al Nasr SC Benghazi Al Nasr SC Benghazi 13 1.62 1.15 0.46 7 1.57 1.29 0.29 6 1.67 1 0.67
Al Ahly Benghazi Al Ahly Benghazi 13 2.77 2.31 0.46 6 3.17 2.83 0.33 7 2.43 1.86 0.57
Andalus FC Andalus FC 13 2.62 1.31 1.31 7 2.57 1.57 1 6 2.67 1 1.67
Al Murooj Al Murooj 13 2.38 0.92 1.46 6 2.83 1.33 1.5 7 2 0.57 1.43
Branes SC Branes SC 13 2.77 0.54 2.23 7 1.86 0.29 1.57 6 3.83 0.83 3
Al Sadaqa Shahat SC Al Sadaqa Shahat SC 13 2 1.08 0.92 6 2.5 1.83 0.67 7 1.57 0.43 1.14
Al Hilal Benghazi SC Al Hilal Benghazi SC 13 2.77 2 0.77 7 2.71 1.86 0.86 6 2.83 2.17 0.67
Al Taawon Ajdabiya SC Al Taawon Ajdabiya SC 13 2.54 1.46 1.08 6 2.67 1.83 0.83 7 2.43 1.14 1.29
Al Mahdia Al Mahdia 13 2.92 0.77 2.15 7 2.57 0.71 1.86 6 3.33 0.83 2.5
Al Watan Al Watan 14 2.36 1.14 1.21 7 2 1.14 0.86 7 2.71 1.14 1.57
Al Nahda Sabha Al Nahda Sabha 14 3 0.36 2.64 7 3 0.43 2.57 7 3 0.29 2.71
Al Wefaq Ajdabiya Al Wefaq Ajdabiya 14 1.5 0.64 0.86 7 1.86 1.14 0.71 7 1.14 0.14 1

Over / Under 2.5

Teams Overall (Average) Home (Average) Away (Average)
Games O 2.5 U 2.5 O 2.5 (%) U 2.5 (%) Games O 2.5 U 2.5 O 2.5 (%) U 2.5 (%) Games O 2.5 U 2.5 O 2.5 (%) U 2.5 (%)
Al Khums SC Al Khums SC 13 3 10 23.08 76.92 6 2 4 33.33 66.67 7 1 6 14.29 85.71
Al Dahra Tripoli FC Al Dahra Tripoli FC 14 3 11 21.43 78.57 7 2 5 28.57 71.43 7 1 6 14.29 85.71
Libyan Stadium Libyan Stadium 13 5 8 38.46 61.54 6 2 4 33.33 66.67 7 3 4 42.86 57.14
Al Madina Tripoli SC Al Madina Tripoli SC 13 5 8 38.46 61.54 7 3 4 42.86 57.14 6 2 4 33.33 66.67
Abelashhar SC Abelashhar SC 13 3 10 23.08 76.92 6 2 4 33.33 66.67 7 1 6 14.29 85.71
Al Ahli Tripoli Al Ahli Tripoli 13 7 6 53.85 46.15 7 3 4 42.86 57.14 6 4 2 66.67 33.33
Asaria SC Asaria SC 14 9 5 64.29 35.71 7 4 3 57.14 42.86 7 5 2 71.43 28.57
Elettihad Almisraty SC Elettihad Almisraty SC 13 3 10 23.08 76.92 7 2 5 28.57 71.43 6 1 5 16.67 83.33
Al Ittihad SC Al Ittihad SC 13 4 9 30.77 69.23 6 2 4 33.33 66.67 7 2 5 28.57 71.43
Shabab Al Ghar Shabab Al Ghar 13 4 9 30.77 69.23 7 2 5 28.57 71.43 6 2 4 33.33 66.67
Asswehly Misrata SC Asswehly Misrata SC 13 7 6 53.85 46.15 6 3 3 50 50 7 4 3 57.14 42.86
Olympic Azzawiya SC Olympic Azzawiya SC 14 6 8 42.86 57.14 7 3 4 42.86 57.14 7 3 4 42.86 57.14
Abu Salim Tripoli SC Abu Salim Tripoli SC 13 6 7 46.15 53.85 6 2 4 33.33 66.67 7 4 3 57.14 42.86
Al Majd Tripoli SCS Al Majd Tripoli SCS 13 8 5 61.54 38.46 7 4 3 57.14 42.86 6 4 2 66.67 33.33
Al Tersana Tripoli Al Tersana Tripoli 14 7 7 50 50 7 5 2 71.43 28.57 7 2 5 28.57 71.43
Al Bashayer Misrata Al Bashayer Misrata 13 7 6 53.85 46.15 7 4 3 57.14 42.86 6 3 3 50 50
Al Tahaddy Benghazi SC Al Tahaddy Benghazi SC 13 5 8 38.46 61.54 6 3 3 50 50 7 2 5 28.57 71.43
Al Akhdar SC Al Akhdar SC 13 7 6 53.85 46.15 7 4 3 57.14 42.86 6 3 3 50 50
Al Ansar Al Bayda Al Ansar Al Bayda 13 6 7 46.15 53.85 6 1 5 16.67 83.33 7 5 2 71.43 28.57
Al Anwar Al Abyar SC Al Anwar Al Abyar SC 13 8 5 61.54 38.46 7 6 1 85.71 14.29 6 2 4 33.33 66.67
Al Borouq FC Al Borouq FC 13 3 10 23.08 76.92 6 1 5 16.67 83.33 7 2 5 28.57 71.43
Khaleej Sirte SC Khaleej Sirte SC 14 4 10 28.57 71.43 7 1 6 14.29 85.71 7 3 4 42.86 57.14
Al Soqour Tobruk Al Soqour Tobruk 14 7 7 50 50 7 3 4 42.86 57.14 7 4 3 57.14 42.86
Al Nasr SC Benghazi Al Nasr SC Benghazi 13 2 11 15.38 84.62 7 1 6 14.29 85.71 6 1 5 16.67 83.33
Al Ahly Benghazi Al Ahly Benghazi 13 7 6 53.85 46.15 6 4 2 66.67 33.33 7 3 4 42.86 57.14
Andalus FC Andalus FC 13 7 6 53.85 46.15 7 3 4 42.86 57.14 6 4 2 66.67 33.33
Al Murooj Al Murooj 13 6 7 46.15 53.85 6 3 3 50 50 7 3 4 42.86 57.14
Branes SC Branes SC 13 8 5 61.54 38.46 7 3 4 42.86 57.14 6 5 1 83.33 16.67
Al Sadaqa Shahat SC Al Sadaqa Shahat SC 13 4 9 30.77 69.23 6 3 3 50 50 7 1 6 14.29 85.71
Al Hilal Benghazi SC Al Hilal Benghazi SC 13 8 5 61.54 38.46 7 4 3 57.14 42.86 6 4 2 66.67 33.33
Al Taawon Ajdabiya SC Al Taawon Ajdabiya SC 13 6 7 46.15 53.85 6 3 3 50 50 7 3 4 42.86 57.14
Al Mahdia Al Mahdia 13 8 5 61.54 38.46 7 4 3 57.14 42.86 6 4 2 66.67 33.33
Al Watan Al Watan 14 6 8 42.86 57.14 7 2 5 28.57 71.43 7 4 3 57.14 42.86
Al Nahda Sabha Al Nahda Sabha 14 7 7 50 50 7 3 4 42.86 57.14 7 4 3 57.14 42.86
Al Wefaq Ajdabiya Al Wefaq Ajdabiya 14 4 10 28.57 71.43 7 3 4 42.86 57.14 7 1 6 14.29 85.71

Yellow cards

Teams Overall (Average) Home (Average) Away (Average)
Games Result Average Games Result Average Games Result Average
Al Khums SC Al Khums SC 13 16 1.23 6 5 0.83 7 11 1.57
Al Dahra Tripoli FC Al Dahra Tripoli FC 14 27 1.93 7 13 1.86 7 14 2
Libyan Stadium Libyan Stadium 13 23 1.77 6 11 1.83 7 12 1.71
Al Madina Tripoli SC Al Madina Tripoli SC 13 15 1.15 7 9 1.29 6 6 1
Abelashhar SC Abelashhar SC 13 21 1.62 6 7 1.17 7 14 2
Al Ahli Tripoli Al Ahli Tripoli 13 14 1.08 7 6 0.86 6 8 1.33
Asaria SC Asaria SC 14 29 2.07 7 15 2.14 7 14 2
Elettihad Almisraty SC Elettihad Almisraty SC 13 14 1.08 7 6 0.86 6 8 1.33
Al Ittihad SC Al Ittihad SC 13 20 1.54 6 10 1.67 7 10 1.43
Shabab Al Ghar Shabab Al Ghar 13 20 1.54 7 8 1.14 6 12 2
Asswehly Misrata SC Asswehly Misrata SC 13 19 1.46 6 8 1.33 7 11 1.57
Olympic Azzawiya SC Olympic Azzawiya SC 14 24 1.71 7 12 1.71 7 12 1.71
Abu Salim Tripoli SC Abu Salim Tripoli SC 13 26 2 6 11 1.83 7 15 2.14
Al Majd Tripoli SCS Al Majd Tripoli SCS 13 16 1.23 7 10 1.43 6 6 1
Al Tersana Tripoli Al Tersana Tripoli 14 29 2.07 7 16 2.29 7 13 1.86
Al Bashayer Misrata Al Bashayer Misrata 13 13 1 7 7 1 6 6 1
Al Tahaddy Benghazi SC Al Tahaddy Benghazi SC 13 32 2.46 6 12 2 7 20 2.86
Al Akhdar SC Al Akhdar SC 13 13 1 7 6 0.86 6 7 1.17
Al Ansar Al Bayda Al Ansar Al Bayda 13 17 1.31 6 10 1.67 7 7 1
Al Anwar Al Abyar SC Al Anwar Al Abyar SC 13 20 1.54 7 8 1.14 6 12 2
Al Borouq FC Al Borouq FC 13 30 2.31 6 11 1.83 7 19 2.71
Khaleej Sirte SC Khaleej Sirte SC 14 23 1.64 7 16 2.29 7 7 1
Al Soqour Tobruk Al Soqour Tobruk 14 25 1.79 7 15 2.14 7 10 1.43
Al Nasr SC Benghazi Al Nasr SC Benghazi 13 17 1.31 7 7 1 6 10 1.67
Al Ahly Benghazi Al Ahly Benghazi 13 17 1.31 6 11 1.83 7 6 0.86
Andalus FC Andalus FC 13 24 1.85 7 12 1.71 6 12 2
Al Murooj Al Murooj 13 18 1.38 6 10 1.67 7 8 1.14
Branes SC Branes SC 13 12 0.92 7 7 1 6 5 0.83
Al Sadaqa Shahat SC Al Sadaqa Shahat SC 13 16 1.23 6 7 1.17 7 9 1.29
Al Hilal Benghazi SC Al Hilal Benghazi SC 13 23 1.77 7 6 0.86 6 17 2.83
Al Taawon Ajdabiya SC Al Taawon Ajdabiya SC 13 20 1.54 6 15 2.5 7 5 0.71
Al Mahdia Al Mahdia 13 13 1 7 6 0.86 6 7 1.17
Al Watan Al Watan 14 18 1.29 7 9 1.29 7 9 1.29
Al Nahda Sabha Al Nahda Sabha 14 8 0.57 7 2 0.29 7 6 0.86
Al Wefaq Ajdabiya Al Wefaq Ajdabiya 14 26 1.86 7 14 2 7 12 1.71


Premier League, Group 1 24/25: 2024-2025

Standings table
# Teams P W D L Goals PTS
Al Akhdar SC Al Akhdar SC 13 8 2 3 21:10 26
Al Nasr SC Benghazi Al Nasr SC Benghazi 13 7 4 2 15:6 25
Al Tahaddy Benghazi SC Al Tahaddy Benghazi SC 13 5 6 2 15:7 21
Al Soqour Tobruk Al Soqour Tobruk 14 5 4 5 16:18 19
Al Anwar Al Abyar SC Al Anwar Al Abyar SC 13 5 3 5 17:22 18
Khaleej Sirte SC Khaleej Sirte SC 14 4 3 7 14:20 15
Al Borouq FC Al Borouq FC 13 3 6 4 14:15 15
Al Wefaq Ajdabiya Al Wefaq Ajdabiya 14 3 4 7 8:12 11
Al Ansar Al Bayda Al Ansar Al Bayda 13 3 2 8 13:23 10

Premier League, Group 2 24/25: 2024-2025

Standings table
# Teams P W D L Goals PTS
Al Ahly Benghazi Al Ahly Benghazi 13 10 1 2 30:6 31
Al Hilal Benghazi SC Al Hilal Benghazi SC 13 10 1 2 26:9 31
Al Sadaqa Shahat SC Al Sadaqa Shahat SC 13 6 3 4 14:12 21
Al Taawon Ajdabiya SC Al Taawon Ajdabiya SC 13 6 2 5 18:14 20
Andalus FC Andalus FC 13 6 2 5 17:16 20
Al Murooj Al Murooj 13 3 4 6 11:19 13
Al Mahdia Al Mahdia 13 1 3 9 8:29 6
Branes SC Branes SC 13 1 2 10 8:27 5

Premier League, Group 3 24/25: 2024-2025

Standings table
# Teams P W D L Goals PTS
Olympic Azzawiya SC Olympic Azzawiya SC 14 10 4 0 25:9 34
Asswehly Misrata SC Asswehly Misrata SC 13 10 3 0 30:9 33
Al Ittihad SC Al Ittihad SC 13 6 3 4 16:8 21
Shabab Al Ghar Shabab Al Ghar 13 4 7 2 12:9 19
Abu Salim Tripoli SC Abu Salim Tripoli SC 13 6 1 6 13:14 19
Al Majd Tripoli SCS Al Majd Tripoli SCS 13 5 2 6 17:22 17
Al Bashayer Misrata Al Bashayer Misrata 13 3 3 7 14:17 12
Al Tersana Tripoli Al Tersana Tripoli 14 2 5 7 13:20 11
Al Nahda Sabha Al Nahda Sabha 14 0 0 14 5:37 -3

Premier League, Group 4 24/25: 2024-2025

Standings table
# Teams P W D L Goals PTS
Al Ahli Tripoli Al Ahli Tripoli 13 10 3 0 31:3 33
Al Madina Tripoli SC Al Madina Tripoli SC 13 8 3 2 23:12 27
Elettihad Almisraty SC Elettihad Almisraty SC 13 6 3 4 12:11 21
Al Watan Al Watan 14 5 4 5 16:17 19
Libyan Stadium Libyan Stadium 13 3 7 3 13:14 16
Al Dahra Tripoli FC Al Dahra Tripoli FC 14 3 5 6 6:16 14
Abelashhar SC Abelashhar SC 13 3 4 6 7:14 13
Asaria SC Asaria SC 14 3 2 9 14:25 11
Al Khums SC Al Khums SC 13 3 1 9 6:16 10


Premier League Premier League
Round 16
2025-03-15 Al Khums SC - Al Madina Tripoli SC -
2025-03-14 Abelashhar SC - Elettihad Almisraty SC -
2025-03-14 Al Watan - Al Ahli Tripoli -
2025-03-13 Al Ansar Al Bayda - Al Wefaq Ajdabiya -
2025-03-13 Khaleej Sirte SC - Al Akhdar SC -
2025-03-13 Olympic Azzawiya SC - Al Majd Tripoli SCS -
2025-03-13 Asswehly Misrata SC - Shabab Al Ghar -
2025-03-12 Al Borouq FC - Al Anwar Al Abyar SC -
2025-03-12 Al Tahaddy Benghazi SC - Al Nasr SC Benghazi -
2025-03-12 Abu Salim Tripoli SC - Al Bashayer Misrata -
2025-03-12 Al Ittihad SC - Al Nahda Sabha -
Round 13
2025-03-10 Al Hilal Benghazi SC - Al Murooj live   0 - 1
2025-03-10 Al Mahdia - Al Sadaqa Shahat SC live   0 - 0
2025-03-10 Andalus FC - Al Taawon Ajdabiya SC live   1 - 1
2025-03-10 Branes SC - Al Ahly Benghazi live   0 - 1
Round 15
2025-03-09 Al Ahli Tripoli - Al Dahra Tripoli FC 1 - 1
2025-03-09 Elettihad Almisraty SC - Al Khums SC 2 - 1
2025-03-08 Al Madina Tripoli SC - Al Watan 1 - 1
2025-03-08 Asaria SC - Abelashhar SC 1 - 2
2025-03-07 Al Anwar Al Abyar SC - Khaleej Sirte SC 2 - 2
2025-03-07 Al Wefaq Ajdabiya - Al Tahaddy Benghazi SC 0 - 0
2025-03-07 Al Bashayer Misrata - Asswehly Misrata SC 1 - 3
2025-03-07 Shabab Al Ghar - Olympic Azzawiya SC 0 - 0
2025-03-06 Al Nasr SC Benghazi - Al Borouq FC 1 - 1
2025-03-06 Al Soqour Tobruk - Al Ansar Al Bayda 2 - 1
2025-03-06 Al Nahda Sabha - Abu Salim Tripoli SC 0 - 3
2025-03-06 Al Tersana Tripoli - Al Ittihad SC 0 - 3
Round 14
2025-02-28 Al Dahra Tripoli FC - Al Madina Tripoli SC 0 - 2
2025-02-28 Al Watan - Elettihad Almisraty SC 1 - 1
Round 12
2025-02-28 Al Murooj - Al Mahdia 1 - 0

Premier League

Libya, championship Premier League: standings, schedule of upcoming matches, video of key events of the championship.

The current season runs from 5th December 2024 to 24th August 2025.

The current championship champion Premier League is Al Nasr SC Benghazi, and the most titled Al Ittihad SC.

Season 2024-2025: The first place in the championship standings Premier League takes the team Al Akhdar SC (26 points).

The date of the

from 2024-12-05
to 2025-08-24

Tournament performance

Information obtained from open sources
Average goals 1.65
Home team wins 35%
Draws 46%
Away team wins 19%
Yellow cards 5.23
Red cards 0.23


Al Nasr SC Benghazi

Reigning champion

Al Ittihad SC

Titled (17)