Football / Players /

Arda Yılmaz – player stats, ratings and matches

Arda Yılmaz

Arda Yılmaz



Arda Yılmaz

Player Arda Yılmaz.

Physical indicators: height 187 m. Weight kg.

Arda Yılmaz is currently playing in a team Altınordu . Main position: goalkeeper.

Recently Arda Yılmaztook part in 5 matches for the team Altınordu.


U17 European Championship, Qual. U17 European Championship, Qual.
Round 3
2025-03-25 Sweden U17 - Turkey U17 4 - 0
Round 2
2025-03-22 Czech Republic U17 - Turkey U17 1 - 1
Round 1
2025-03-19 Turkey U17 - Switzerland U17 2 - 3
Round 3
2024-11-07 Serbia U17 - Turkey U17 1 - 1
Round 2
2024-11-04 Turkey U17 - Bulgaria U17 1 - 0