Football / Players /

Fabien Fonrose – player stats, ratings and matches

Fabien Fonrose

Fabien Fonrose

Racing FC Union Luxembourg


Fabien Fonrose

Player Fabien Fonrose.

Fabien Fonrose is currently playing in a team Racing FC Union Luxembourg . Main position: defender.

Recently Fabien Fonrosetook part in 4 matches for the team Racing FC Union Luxembourg.


CONCACAF Nations League CONCACAF Nations League
Round 6
2024-11-18 Grenada - Saint Martin 0 - 3
Round 5
2024-11-15 Saint Martin - Curaçao 0 - 5
Round 4
2024-10-14 Saint Lucia - Saint Martin 0 - 4
Round 3
2024-10-12 Saint Martin - Saint Lucia 1 - 2