Football / Players /

Ismel Morgado – player stats, ratings and matches

Ismel Morgado

Ismel Morgado

Rancho Santana FC


Ismel Morgado

Player Ismel Morgado.

Physical indicators: height 196 m. Weight kg.

Ismel Morgado is currently playing in a team Rancho Santana FC . Main position: goalkeeper.

Recently Ismel Morgadotook part in 13 matches for the team Rancho Santana FC.


Round 1
2025-03-25 Trinidad and Tobago - Cuba 4 - 0
2025-03-21 Cuba - Trinidad and Tobago 1 - 2
CONCACAF Nations League CONCACAF Nations League
Round 29
2024-11-18 Cuba - Saint Kitts and Nevis 4 - 0
2024-11-14 Saint Kitts and Nevis - Cuba 2 - 1
Round 4
2024-10-15 Trinidad and Tobago - Cuba 3 - 1
Round 3
2024-10-10 Cuba - Trinidad and Tobago 2 - 2
Round 2
2024-09-10 Cuba - Nicaragua 1 - 1
Round 1
2024-09-07 Jamaica - Cuba 0 - 0
World Cup Qual. CONCACAF World Cup Qual. CONCACAF
2024-06-07 Honduras - Cuba 3 - 1
CONCACAF Nations League CONCACAF Nations League
Round 4
2023-10-16 Honduras - Cuba 4 - 0
Round 3
2023-10-13 Cuba - Honduras 0 - 0
Round 2
2023-09-12 Cuba - Suriname 1 - 0
Round 1
2023-09-08 Haiti - Cuba 0 - 0