Football / Players /

Richard Gaúcho – player stats, ratings and matches

Richard Gaúcho

Richard Gaúcho

Richard Gaúcho

Player Richard Gaúcho.

Richard Gaúcho is currently playing in a team Goiânia .

Recently Richard Gaúchotook part in 7 matches for the team Goiânia.


Goiano, 1 Divisão Goiano, 1 Divisão
Round 28
2024-03-25 Atlético Goianiense - Goiânia 3 - 1
2024-03-17 Goiânia - Atlético Goianiense 2 - 3
Round 10
2024-02-19 Vila Nova - Goiânia 2 - 1
Round 11
2024-02-25 Goiânia - Aparecidense 0 - 1
Round 7
2024-02-07 Anápolis - Goiânia 1 - 0
Round 27
2024-03-10 Goiás - Goiânia 1 - 1
2024-03-02 Goiânia - Goiás 0 - 0