Football / Players /

Vang Davin – player stats, ratings and matches

Vang Davin

Vang Davin

Vang Davin

Player Vang Davin.

Physical indicators: height 173 m. Weight kg.

Vang Davin is currently playing in a team Boeung Ket FC . Main position: defender. Game number in starting lineups: 3.

Recently Vang Davintook part in 6 matches for the team Boeung Ket FC.


Cambodian League Cambodian League
Round 15
2024-12-29 Nagaworld FC - Boeung Ket FC 1 - 5
Round 11
2024-11-02 Visakha FC - Boeung Ket FC 1 - 0
Round 14
2024-11-29 Boeung Ket FC - Phnom Penh Crown 1 - 3
Round 6
2024-11-06 Boeung Ket FC - Svay Rieng FC 1 - 2
Round 9
2024-10-24 National Defense - Boeung Ket FC 2 - 5
Round 2
2024-08-17 Kirivong Soksen Chey - Boeung Ket FC 1 - 2