Football / Tunisia /

Avenir Sportif De La Marsa – team performance Football, Tunisia

Avenir Sportif De La Marsa

Avenir Sportif De La Marsa

Tunisia (Avenir Sportif De La Marsa TUN)

Avenir Sportif De La Marsa Player Roster


Total players

5 (27.8%)


2 449 000 €

Team cost

306 125 €

Average player value


# Player Country Pos Age Rating
7 Bilel Khefifi Bilel Khefifi TUN F 31 0,7M+
33 Nassim Chachia Nassim Chachia TUN F 25 0,1M+
Omar Zekri Omar Zekri TUN F 26
33 Farouk Mimouni Farouk Mimouni TUN F 22


# Player Country Pos Age Rating
6 Mohamed Ali Yaakoubi Mohamed Ali Yaakoubi TUN D 33 0,6M+
5 Wissam Bousnina Wissam Bousnina TUN D 29 0,5M+
17 Ikouwem Udo Utin Ikouwem Udo Utin NGR D 24 0,2M+
13 Bangaly Sanogo Bangaly Sanogo MLI D 27
12 Baligh Jemmali Baligh Jemmali TUN D 22
Omar Bouraoui Omar Bouraoui TUN D 28


# Player Country Pos Age Rating
6 Mondher Guesmi Mondher Guesmi TUN M 31 0,3M+
9 Houssem Gatfia Houssem Gatfia TUN M 22 0,0M+
25 Bonheur Mugisha Bonheur Mugisha M
Othman Karoui Othman Karoui TUN M 19


# Player Country Pos Age Rating
Oussema Boufalgha Oussema Boufalgha TUN G 24 0,1M+
Mohamed Zied Jebali Mohamed Zied Jebali TUN G 32

# Player Country Pos Age Rating
Achref Ghrissi Achref Ghrissi
Yassine Werzli Yassine Werzli

Avenir Sportif De La Marsa

Football, Tunisia, Team Avenir Sportif De La Marsa. Original team name: Avenir Sportif De La Marsa.

In the team Avenir Sportif De La Marsa 18 players. Legionnaires composed of: 5 (27.8%). The total value of the team players is 0 €. The highest-paid player Avenir Sportif De La Marsa is Bilel Khefifi. Physically, indicators, nationality, position, market value and a list of starting compositions are available on the player’s page.

The main stadium of the Avenir Sportif De La Marsa team is Stade Abdelaziz Chtioui in La Marsa, Tunisia. Stadium capacity Stade Abdelaziz Chtioui is 6 000 people.

On the matches page you can track the series, team statistics, the history of the movement of the coefficients, as well as videos of interesting moments.


Arithmetic mean

At Total Home Away
Total Games 20 9 11
Average total games 2.25 2.11 2.36
Average goals scored 1.5 1.44 1.55
Average goals conceded 0.75 0.67 0.82

Relative indicators







Over: 80%

Under: 20%

Total 1.5

Over: 40%

Under: 60%

Total 2.5

Over: 15%

Under: 85%

Total 3.5




La Marsa


Stade Abdelaziz Chtioui


6 000
