Football / Czech Republic /

Baník Ostrava U21 – team performance Football, Czech Republic

Baník Ostrava U21

Baník Ostrava U21

Czech Republic (Baník Ostrava U21 CZE)

Baník Ostrava U21 Player Roster


Total players

16 (72.7%)


435 000 €

Team cost

145 000 €

Average player value


# Player Country Pos Age Rating
10 Ondřej Chvěja Ondřej Chvěja CZE F 25 0,2M+
20 Michal Málek Michal Málek CZE F 16
28 Muhammed Jamiu Abdoulkarim Muhammed Jamiu Abdoulkarim F
13 David Nzanza David Nzanza ANG F 18


# Player Country Pos Age Rating
5 Jakub Drozd Jakub Drozd CZE M 20 0,1M+
8 Marko Kilibarda Marko Kilibarda SRB M 23 0,1M+
8 Samuel Grygar Samuel Grygar M
7 Guy Reteno Elekana Guy Reteno Elekana GAB M 27
13 Toby King Toby King ENG M 21
18 Martin Temel Martin Temel M
25 Radim Sudak Radim Sudak M
14 Sacha Komljenovic Sacha Komljenovic NED M 20
9 Dominik Holan Dominik Holan M
19 Marek Jaron Marek Jaron CZE M 21

# Player Country Pos Age Rating
Matyas Bitta Matyas Bitta
Jiri Koutny Jiri Koutny


# Player Country Pos Age Rating
17 Zdenek Riha Zdenek Riha D
4 Patrik Mekota Patrik Mekota D
Jiří Remiáš Jiří Remiáš CZE D 16
3 David Krupicka David Krupicka D


# Player Country Pos Age Rating
41 Mikuláš Kubný Mikuláš Kubný CZE G 17
33 Michael Gergela Michael Gergela G

Baník Ostrava U21

Football, Czech Republic, Team Baník Ostrava U21. Original team name: Baník Ostrava U21.

In the team Baník Ostrava U21 22 players. Legionnaires composed of: 16 (72.7%). The total value of the team players is 0 €. The highest-paid player Baník Ostrava U21 is Ondřej Chvěja. Physically, indicators, nationality, position, market value and a list of starting compositions are available on the player’s page.

Josef Dvornik — head coach of the team Baník Ostrava U21. Josef Dvornik spent 36 of the match as part of the team coach Baník Ostrava U21. Won 12 wins, 8 draws and 16 defeats. Points scored: 44. The number of points scored over a career indicates the effectiveness of the coach.

The main stadium of the Baník Ostrava U21 team is Vitkovice UMT in Ostrava, Czech Republic.

On the matches page you can track the series, team statistics, the history of the movement of the coefficients, as well as videos of interesting moments.


Josef Dvornik

Josef Dvornik




Date of birth


Total games

12 (33.3%)


8 (22.2%)


16 (44.4%)



Points scored


Average points per game


Czech Republic




Vitkovice UMT
