Football / Brazil /

Barra da Tijuca – team performance Football, Brazil

Barra da Tijuca

Barra da Tijuca

Brazil (Barra da Tijuca BRA)

Barra da Tijuca Player Roster


Total players

1 (25%)


270 000 €

Team cost

135 000 €

Average player value


# Player Country Pos Age Rating
Dede Dede BRA M 29 0,2M+


# Player Country Pos Age Rating
Marquinhos do Sul Marquinhos do Sul BRA F 29 0,1M+


# Player Country Pos Age Rating
23 Guilherme Guilherme BRA D 28
Jose Carlos Jose Carlos D


Carioca,  Série B1 Carioca, Série B1
Round 28
2023-11-18 Serrano - Barra da Tijuca 1 - 1
2023-11-11 Barra da Tijuca - Serrano 0 - 0
Round 11
2023-11-08 Barra da Tijuca - 7 de Abril 7 - 0
Round 10
2023-11-03 Paduano - Barra da Tijuca 2 - 2
Round 9
2023-10-28 Barra da Tijuca - Duque de Caxias 1 - 0
Round 8
2023-10-25 São Gonçalo EC - Barra da Tijuca 0 - 1
Round 7
2023-10-20 Barra da Tijuca - Goytacaz 1 - 2
Round 6
2023-10-13 Serra Macaense FC - Barra da Tijuca 1 - 4
Round 5
2023-10-07 Barra da Tijuca - Macaé 2 - 0
Round 4
2023-09-30 Nova Cidade - Barra da Tijuca 1 - 1

Barra da Tijuca

Football, Brazil, Team Barra da Tijuca. Original team name: Barra da Tijuca.

In the team Barra da Tijuca 4 players. Legionnaires composed of: 1 (25%). The total value of the team players is 0 €. The highest-paid player Barra da Tijuca is Dede. Physically, indicators, nationality, position, market value and a list of starting compositions are available on the player’s page.

On the matches page you can track the series, team statistics, the history of the movement of the coefficients, as well as videos of interesting moments.