Football / France /

FC Bourgoin Jallieu – team performance Football, France

FC Bourgoin Jallieu

FC Bourgoin Jallieu

France (FC Bourgoin Jallieu FRA)

FC Bourgoin Jallieu Player Roster


Total players

18 (69.2%)


1 505 000 €

Team cost

250 833 €

Average player value


Overall player rating


# Player Country Pos Age Rating
5 Jimmy Nirlo Jimmy Nirlo FRA M 35 0,3M+
12 Sofiane Atik Sofiane Atik FRA M 34 0,3M+
10 Florian Michel Florian Michel FRA M 31 0,2M+ 46
20 Stéphane Tchangodei Stéphane Tchangodei M
6 Billel Moumen Billel Moumen M
14 Yanis Mecheri Yanis Mecheri M
13 Matthieu Mainge Matthieu Mainge M
20 Ryan Kada Ryan Kada M
17 Kelian Mersel Kelian Mersel M


# Player Country Pos Age Rating
29 Serigne Fallou Niang Serigne Fallou Niang SEN F 24 0,3M+
18 Zakarie Labidi Zakarie Labidi FRA F 28
10 Celal Bozkurt Celal Bozkurt F
19 Prince Mombong Prince Mombong F
11 Pierre Kohser Pierre Kohser F
9 Mehdi Moujetzky Mehdi Moujetzky F


# Player Country Pos Age Rating
17 Nicolas Seguin Nicolas Seguin FRA D 33 0,2M+
6 Lionel Zouma Lionel Zouma CAF D 30 0,2M+
Alexandre Roselli Alexandre Roselli FRA D 24
2 Joris Mendy Joris Mendy FRA D 24
18 Erwan Norde Erwan Norde D
3 Wilson Mendy Wilson Mendy D
7 Mathias Imbert Mathias Imbert D

# Player Country Pos Age Rating
Serigne Niang Serigne Niang


# Player Country Pos Age Rating
1 Ronan Jay Ronan Jay FRA G 20
Henrique Sanches Henrique Sanches POR G 19
16 Mustafa Adigüzel Mustafa Adigüzel G

FC Bourgoin Jallieu

Football, France, Team FC Bourgoin Jallieu. Original team name: FC Bourgoin Jallieu.

In the team FC Bourgoin Jallieu 26 players. Legionnaires composed of: 18 (69.2%). The total value of the team players is 0 €. The highest-paid player FC Bourgoin Jallieu is Jimmy Nirlo. Physically, indicators, nationality, position, market value and a list of starting compositions are available on the player’s page.

Eric Guichard — head coach of the team FC Bourgoin Jallieu. Eric Guichard spent 130 of the match as part of the team coach FC Bourgoin Jallieu. Won 48 wins, 26 draws and 48 defeats. Points scored: 178. The number of points scored over a career indicates the effectiveness of the coach.

On the matches page you can track the series, team statistics, the history of the movement of the coefficients, as well as videos of interesting moments.


Eric Guichard

Eric Guichard




Total games

48 (36.9%)


26 (20%)


48 (36.9%)



Points scored


Average points per game