Football / World /

CF Mounana – team performance Football, World

CF Mounana

CF Mounana

Gabon (CF Mounana GAB)

CF Mounana Player Roster


Total players

10 (76.9%)


105 000 €

Team cost

105 000 €

Average player value


# Player Country Pos Age Rating
0 Allen Nono Allen Nono GAB F 28 0,1M+
Delphin Mokonou Delphin Mokonou CAF F 20


# Player Country Pos Age Rating
Samaké Nze Bagnama Samaké Nze Bagnama M
Jerry Nzamba Jerry Nzamba M


# Player Country Pos Age Rating
Aimé Mboungui Aimé Mboungui D
Henri Chico Sassou Henri Chico Sassou D
24 Eric Ilamba Eric Ilamba D
13 Ralph Bamba Ralph Bamba D
5 Oumar Doumbia Oumar Doumbia D
6 Dieudonne Nkoume-Kemba Dieudonne Nkoume-Kemba GAB D 31

# Player Country Pos Age Rating
Gesril Andome Gesril Andome
Emmanuel Ndong Mba Emmanuel Ndong Mba GAB 29


# Player Country Pos Age Rating
16 Kosso Menene Kosso Menene G


National Foot 1 National Foot 1
Round 15
2025-03-16 FC 105 Libreville - CF Mounana 1 - 1
Round 14
2025-03-09 CF Mounana - AS Dikaki 3 - 1
Round 8
2025-02-16 Union Sportive d'Oyem - CF Mounana 1 - 0
Round 13
2025-02-08 CF Mounana - Centre Mbéri Sportif 0 - 2
Round 12
2025-02-01 Union Sportive de Bitam - CF Mounana 1 - 1
Round 10
2025-01-19 Vautour Club - CF Mounana 1 - 3
Round 9
2025-01-11 CF Mounana - AS Stade Mandji 0 - 0
Round 7
2025-01-04 CF Mounana - AS Mangasport 0 - 1
Round 6
2024-12-28 CF Mounana - Centre Sportif de Bendje 2 - 2
Round 5
2024-12-21 Lozo Sports - CF Mounana 0 - 0

CF Mounana

Football, World, Team CF Mounana. Original team name: CF Mounana.

In the team CF Mounana 13 players. Legionnaires composed of: 10 (76.9%). The total value of the team players is 0 €. The highest-paid player CF Mounana is Allen Nono. Physically, indicators, nationality, position, market value and a list of starting compositions are available on the player’s page.

On the matches page you can track the series, team statistics, the history of the movement of the coefficients, as well as videos of interesting moments.