Football / Morocco /

CODM Meknès – team performance Football, Morocco

CODM Meknès

CODM Meknès

Morocco (CODM Meknès MAR)

CODM Meknès Player Roster


Total players

29 (65.9%)


2 007 000 €

Team cost

200 700 €

Average player value


# Player Country Pos Age Rating
20 Mehdi Karnass Mehdi Karnass MAR M 33 0,5M+
66 Mohamed El Jaaouani Mohamed El Jaaouani MAR M 29 0,4M+
Amine Dghoughi Amine Dghoughi MAR M 29 0,3M+
10 Mouad Goulouss Mouad Goulouss M
11 Ismail Mihrab Ismail Mihrab M
8 Mohamed Radouani Mohamed Radouani M
6 Adnane Berdad Adnane Berdad M
9 Anas El Mahraoui Anas El Mahraoui M
25 Mohamed Gharmal  Mohamed Gharmal  M
24 Brahim El Idrissi Bouzidi Brahim El Idrissi Bouzidi M
77 Yassine Senhaji Yassine Senhaji M
93 Marouane Afalah Marouane Afalah M
27 Cheikh Omar Faye Cheikh Omar Faye M
17 Tsoumou Likibi Tsoumou Likibi M


# Player Country Pos Age Rating
34 Reda Bounaga Reda Bounaga MAR G 34 0,3M+
1 Soufiane Barrouhou Soufiane Barrouhou MAR G 29 0,2M+
Salah Tamri Salah Tamri MAR G 30


# Player Country Pos Age Rating
13 Thomas Gonazo Thomas Gonazo CIV F 32 0,1M+
7 Mouad Fekkak Mouad Fekkak MAR F 22
18 Mohamed Bazzar Mohamed Bazzar F
99 Zouhir Eddib Zouhir Eddib F
95 Abdelghafour Mehri Abdelghafour Mehri F
21 Mohammed El Ouardi Mohammed El Ouardi MAR F 22


# Player Country Pos Age Rating
35 Jawad Khallouki Jawad Khallouki MAR D 24 0,1M+
90 Youssef Limouri Youssef Limouri MAR D 23 0,1M+
Driss El Abdi Driss El Abdi MAR D 28 0,1M+
4 Mouhcine Rabja Mouhcine Rabja MAR D 27 0,0M+
13 Yassine Jbira Yassine Jbira MAR D 27
31 Karim El Oualadi Karim El Oualadi MAR D 27
16 Oussama Daoui Oussama Daoui D
2 Abdel Lourhraz Abdel Lourhraz D
5 Mohamed Amine Hamoudi Mohamed Amine Hamoudi D
15 Mohamed Hadda Mohamed Hadda D
14 Luis Enrique Luis Enrique GEQ D 25
22 Hamza Bahaj Hamza Bahaj D
33 Imran Fiddi Imran Fiddi MAR D 25
22 Hicham Ait Brahim Hicham Ait Brahim D

# Player Country Pos Age Rating
2 Ayoub Lourhraz Ayoub Lourhraz
21 Mohamed Al Wardi Mohamed Al Wardi
Oussama Msahli Oussama Msahli
El Mostafa El Harti El Mostafa El Harti
77 Yassine Senhaji Yassine Senhaji
23 Mostafa Marroun Mostafa Marroun
44 Soufiane Taher Soufiane Taher


CODM Meknès

Football, Morocco, Team CODM Meknès. Original team name: CODM Meknès.

In the team CODM Meknès 44 players. Legionnaires composed of: 29 (65.9%). The total value of the team players is 0 €. The highest-paid player CODM Meknès is Mehdi Karnass. Physically, indicators, nationality, position, market value and a list of starting compositions are available on the player’s page.

The main stadium of the CODM Meknès team is Stade d'Honneur in Meknes, Morocco. Stadium capacity Stade d'Honneur is 10 000 people.

On the matches page you can track the series, team statistics, the history of the movement of the coefficients, as well as videos of interesting moments.


Arithmetic mean

At Total Home Away
Total Games 20 10 10
Average total games 2.75 2.6 2.9
Average goals scored 1.25 1.7 0.8
Average goals conceded 1.5 0.9 2.1
Yellow cards 1.75 1.1 2.4

Relative indicators







Over: 70%

Under: 30%

Total 1.5

Over: 60%

Under: 40%

Total 2.5

Over: 30%

Under: 70%

Total 3.5






Stade d'Honneur


10 000
