Football / Congo Republic /

Congo Republic – team performance Football, Congo Republic

Congo Republic

Congo Republic

Congo Republic (Congo Republic COG)

Congo Republic Player Roster


Total players

31 (100%)


9 173 000 €

Team cost

705 615 €

Average player value


Overall player rating


# Player Country Pos Age Rating
23 Thievy Bifouma Thievy Bifouma CGO M 31 2,6M+ 46
42 Gaius Makouta Gaius Makouta CGO M 26 0,5M+ 49
12 Warren Tchimbembé Warren Tchimbembé CGO M 25 0,3M+
26 Jose Dembi Jose Dembi FRA M 26 0,0M+
29 Antoine Makoumbou Antoine Makoumbou CGO M 25 57
10 Beni Makouana Beni Makouana CGO M 21
Harvy Ossète Harvy Ossète CGO M 23


# Player Country Pos Age Rating
35 Silvère Ganvoula Silvère Ganvoula CGO F 27 2,3M+ 43
9 Guy Mbenza Guy Mbenza CGO F 23 0,6M+ 47
9 Gabriel Charpentier Gabriel Charpentier CGO F 24
18 Christopher Ibayi Christopher Ibayi FRA F 28
7 Elvia Ipamy Elvia Ipamy CGO F 28
29 Vieljeux Prestige Mboungou Vieljeux Prestige Mboungou CGO F 23 51
18 Chance Mondzenga Chance Mondzenga F
Beni Namboka Beni Namboka F


# Player Country Pos Age Rating
18 Morgan Poaty Morgan Poaty CGO D 26 1,0M+ 44
18 Bradley Mazikou Bradley Mazikou CGO D 27 0,7M+ 48
17 Yhoan Andzouana Yhoan Andzouana CGO D 26 0,4M+
4 Bryan Passi Bryan Passi CGO D 26 0,3M+ 50
5 Vladis-Emmerson Illoy-Ayyet Vladis-Emmerson Illoy-Ayyet CGO D 28 0,2M+ 55
91 Ryan Bidounga Ryan Bidounga CGO D 26 0,2M+
20 Messie Biatoumoussoka Messie Biatoumoussoka CGO D 25 0,1M+
28 Christ Makosso Christ Makosso D
11 Julfin Ondongo Julfin Ondongo CGO D 25

# Player Country Pos Age Rating
Alain Ipiélé Alain Ipiélé
Chris Bimbabou Chris Bimbabou
Melvin Douniama Melvin Douniama


# Player Country Pos Age Rating
32 Pavelh Ndzila Pavelh Ndzila CGO G 28
Giscard Mavoungou Giscard Mavoungou CGO G 22
1 Wolfrigon Mongondza Ngobo Wolfrigon Mongondza Ngobo CGO G 32
Chelcy Bonazebi Chelcy Bonazebi G

Congo Republic

Football, Congo Republic, Team Congo Republic. Original team name: Congo Republic.

In the team Congo Republic 31 players. Legionnaires composed of: 31 (100%). The total value of the team players is 0 €. The highest-paid player Congo Republic is Thievy Bifouma. Physically, indicators, nationality, position, market value and a list of starting compositions are available on the player’s page.

Paul Put — head coach of the team Congo Republic. Paul Put spent 325 of the match as part of the team coach Congo Republic. Won 126 wins, 154 draws and 116 defeats. Points scored: 461. The number of points scored over a career indicates the effectiveness of the coach.

On the matches page you can track the series, team statistics, the history of the movement of the coefficients, as well as videos of interesting moments.


Paul Put

Paul Put




Total games

126 (38.8%)


154 (47.4%)


116 (35.7%)



Points scored


Average points per game