Football /

Extranjeros Liga 1 – team performance Football,

Extranjeros Liga 1

Extranjeros Liga 1

Extranjeros Liga 1 Player Roster


Total players

0 (0%)


4 945 000 €

Team cost

494 500 €

Average player value


Overall player rating


# Player Country Pos Age Rating
19 Pablo Miguez Pablo Miguez URU D 36 1,0M+ 50
4 José Ramírez José Ramírez COL D 36 0,5M+ 47
70 Jimmy Valoyes Jimmy Valoyes COL D 36 0,2M+ 53
4 Leandro Fleitas Leandro Fleitas ARG D 39 0,1M+ 52


# Player Country Pos Age Rating
19 Roberto Ovelar Roberto Ovelar PAR F 37 1,0M+ 50


# Player Country Pos Age Rating
93 Arley Rodríguez Arley Rodríguez COL M 30 0,8M+ 47
86 Donald Millán Donald Millán COL M 37 0,6M+ 54
45 Arquímedes Figuera Arquímedes Figuera VEN M 34 0,4M+ 50
7 Jairo Vélez Jairo Vélez ECU M 28 0,2M+ 56
28 Abdiel Ayarza Abdiel Ayarza PAN M 31 49
25 Gaspar Gentile Gaspar Gentile ARG M 28 49


# Player Country Pos Age Rating
1 Christian Gonzalo Limousin Christian Gonzalo Limousin ARG G 31 0,2M+ 51

Extranjeros Liga 1

Football, Team Extranjeros Liga 1. Original team name: Extranjeros Liga 1.

In the team Extranjeros Liga 1 12 players. The total value of the team players is 0 €. The highest-paid player Extranjeros Liga 1 is Pablo Miguez. Physically, indicators, nationality, position, market value and a list of starting compositions are available on the player’s page.

On the matches page you can track the series, team statistics, the history of the movement of the coefficients, as well as videos of interesting moments.