Football / Czech Republic /

FK Náchod – team performance Football, Czech Republic

FK Náchod

FK Náchod

Czech Republic (FK Náchod CZE)

FK Náchod Player Roster


Total players

0 (0%)


52 000 €

Team cost

52 000 €

Average player value


# Player Country Pos Age Rating
29 Jan Havlena Jan Havlena CZE M 24 0,1M+
23 Jan Hable Jan Hable CZE M 34


Královéhradecký KP Královéhradecký KP
Round 17
2025-03-15 FK Náchod - Solnice canceled
Club Friendly Games Club Friendly Games
2025-01-25 FK Náchod - Górnik Wałbrzych 3 - 1
Královéhradecký KP Královéhradecký KP
Round 6
2024-11-24 TJ Sokol Trebes - FK Náchod 3 - 1
Round 15
2024-11-16 FK Chlumec nad Cidlinou - FK Náchod 0 - 0
Round 14
2024-11-09 FK Náchod - Vysoká nad Labem 0 - 1
Round 13
2024-11-02 FK Náchod - SK Jičín 2 - 0
Round 12
2024-10-26 Libčany - FK Náchod 0 - 2
Round 11
2024-10-19 FK Náchod - TJ Jiskra Horice 8 - 0
Round 10
2024-10-13 Spartak Rychnov - FK Náchod 4 - 4
Round 9
2024-10-05 FK Náchod - TJ Dobruska 0 - 2

FK Náchod

Football, Czech Republic, Team FK Náchod. Original team name: FK Náchod.

In the team FK Náchod 2 players. The total value of the team players is 0 €. The highest-paid player FK Náchod is Jan Havlena. Physically, indicators, nationality, position, market value and a list of starting compositions are available on the player’s page.

Vaclav Kotal — head coach of the team FK Náchod. Vaclav Kotal spent 348 of the match as part of the team coach FK Náchod. Won 155 wins, 22 draws and 117 defeats. Points scored: 541. The number of points scored over a career indicates the effectiveness of the coach.

On the matches page you can track the series, team statistics, the history of the movement of the coefficients, as well as videos of interesting moments.


Vaclav Kotal

Vaclav Kotal




Total games

155 (44.5%)


22 (6.3%)


117 (33.6%)



Points scored


Average points per game