Football / Brazil /

Jaraguá EC – team performance Football, Brazil

Jaraguá EC

Jaraguá EC

Brazil (Jaraguá EC BRA)

Jaraguá EC Player Roster


Total players

21 (55.3%)


631 000 €

Team cost

210 333 €

Average player value


# Player Country Pos Age Rating
9 William Paulista William Paulista BRA F 36 0,4M+
18 Erico Erico BRA F 29 0,0M+
Lausen Lausen BRA F 27
89 Batata Batata BRA F 29


# Player Country Pos Age Rating
4 Marcelo Xavier Marcelo Xavier BRA D 34 0,2M+
4 Davy Einstein Davy Einstein BRA D 27
Gean Gean BRA D 27
14 Davy Davy BRA D 29

# Player Country Pos Age Rating
Artur Artur
Alex Castro Alex Castro
Marcos Marcos
Mickael Mickael
Thalysson Lima Thalysson Lima
Fyllipe Fyllipe
Matheus Rosa Matheus Rosa
Edinho Edinho
Giancarlos Giancarlos
Clinton Clinton
Negreti Negreti
Fábio Pitbull Fábio Pitbull
Lucas Guida Lucas Guida
Daniel Pelegrine Daniel Pelegrine
João Leite João Leite
Fernando Almeida Fernando Almeida
Caio Vinicius Caio Vinicius
Jordan Jordan
Lucas Batista Lucas Batista
Gabriel Costa Gabriel Costa
Vinicius Vinicius


# Player Country Pos Age Rating
23 Serginho Paulista Serginho Paulista BRA M 35
5 Éder Éder BRA M 24
22 Regino Regino BRA M 23
10 Leomir Leomir BRA M 35
16 Leomir Leomir BRA M 32
Renan Renan BRA M 19
Maikon Maikon BRA M 31
Felipe Tavares Felipe Tavares BRA M 21


# Player Country Pos Age Rating
31 Paulo Vitor Paulo Vitor BRA G 32


Goiano Divisão de Acesso Goiano Divisão de Acesso
Round 14
2023-10-21 Goiatuba EC - Jaraguá EC 4 - 2
Round 13
2023-10-15 Jaraguá EC - Anapolina 3 - 4
Round 12
2023-10-07 Jaraguá EC - Santa Helena 1 - 1
Round 11
2023-10-04 Centro-Oeste - Jaraguá EC 4 - 0
Round 10
2023-10-01 ASEEV - Jaraguá EC canceled
2023-09-30 ASEEV - Jaraguá EC 2 - 1
Round 9
2023-09-23 Jaraguá EC - Aparecida EC 1 - 1
Round 8
2023-09-17 Jataiense - Jaraguá EC canceled
2023-09-17 Jataiense - Jaraguá EC 2 - 0
Round 7
2023-09-12 Jaraguá EC - Jataiense 0 - 2

Jaraguá EC

Football, Brazil, Team Jaraguá EC. Original team name: Jaraguá EC.

In the team Jaraguá EC 38 players. Legionnaires composed of: 21 (55.3%). The total value of the team players is 0 €. The highest-paid player Jaraguá EC is William Paulista. Physically, indicators, nationality, position, market value and a list of starting compositions are available on the player’s page.

Ariel Mamede — head coach of the team Jaraguá EC. Ariel Mamede spent 58 of the match as part of the team coach Jaraguá EC. Won 16 wins, 32 draws and 21 defeats. Points scored: 69. The number of points scored over a career indicates the effectiveness of the coach.

The main stadium of the Jaraguá EC team is Freitas Amintas Stadium in Jaragua, Brazil.

On the matches page you can track the series, team statistics, the history of the movement of the coefficients, as well as videos of interesting moments.


Ariel Mamede

Ariel Mamede




Date of birth


Total games

16 (27.6%)


32 (55.2%)


21 (36.2%)



Points scored


Average points per game






Freitas Amintas Stadium
