Football / Uzbekistan /

Pakhtakor Tashkent – team performance Football, Uzbekistan

Pakhtakor Tashkent

Pakhtakor Tashkent

Uzbekistan (Pakhtakor Tashkent UZB)

Pakhtakor Tashkent Player Roster


Total players

32 (61.5%)


9 005 000 €

Team cost

750 417 €

Average player value


Overall player rating


# Player Country Pos Age Rating
11 Igor Sergeev Igor Sergeev UZB F 30 1,7M+
10 Dragan Ceran Dragan Ceran SRB F 36 1,1M+
94 Brayan Riascos Brayan Riascos COL F 29 0,4M+ 47
11 Pulatkhozha Kholdorkhonov Pulatkhozha Kholdorkhonov UZB F 18
23 Doniyor Abdumannopov Doniyor Abdumannopov UZB F 22
18 Saidumarkhon Saidnurullaev Saidumarkhon Saidnurullaev F
88 Abbos Ergashboev Abbos Ergashboev UZB F 19
6 Muhammadali Urinbaev Muhammadali Urinbaev UZB F
6 Muhammadali O'rinboyev Muhammadali O'rinboyev F


# Player Country Pos Age Rating
19 Jhonatan Jhonatan BRA G 32 1,0M+ 60
1 Pavel Pavlyuchenko Pavel Pavlyuchenko BLR G 25 0,3M+
12 Vladimir Nazarov Vladimir Nazarov G
1 Nikita Shevchenko Nikita Shevchenko G


# Player Country Pos Age Rating
17 Dostonbek Khamdamov Dostonbek Khamdamov UZB M 27 0,9M+
45 Bashar Resan Bashar Resan IRQ M 26 0,9M+
47 Jonatan Lucca Jonatan Lucca BRA M 29 0,8M+ 58
27 Sardor Sobirkhuzhaev Sardor Sobirkhuzhaev UZB M 29 0,6M+
77 Dilshod Saitov Dilshod Saitov UZB M 24 0,4M+
31 Mukhammadali Usmonov Mukhammadali Usmonov M
8 Diyor Kholmatov Diyor Kholmatov UZB M 21
32 Askarov Bekhruzbek Askarov Bekhruzbek M
27 Sardor Sabirkhodjaev Sardor Sabirkhodjaev UZB M 29
28 Diyor Kholmatov Diyor Kholmatov UZB M 21
28 Diyor Kholmatov Diyor Kholmatov UZB M 21
28 Diyor Kholmatov Diyor Kholmatov UZB M 21
22 Umar Adhamzoda Umar Adhamzoda UZB M 23
15 Diyor Ortikboev Diyor Ortikboev M
23 Abdurauf Buriev Abdurauf Buriev M
30 Otabek Jurakuziev Otabek Jurakuziev M
99 Ulugbek Khoshimov Ulugbek Khoshimov M
50 Giovino Flamarion Giovino Flamarion BRA M 27 56
19 Rustambek Fomin Rustambek Fomin M
18 Saidnurullayev Saidumarkhon Saidnurullayev Saidumarkhon M


# Player Country Pos Age Rating
7 Khozhiakbar Alidzhanov Khozhiakbar Alidzhanov UZB D 26 0,7M+
4 Abdulla Abdullaev Abdulla Abdullaev UZB D 24 0,2M+
77 Dilshod Saitov Dilshod Saitov UZB D 24
5 Mukhammadkodir Khamraliev Mukhammadkodir Khamraliev D
20 Dilshod Abdulaev Dilshod Abdulaev D
3 Shakhzod Azmiddinov Shakhzod Azmiddinov UZB D 23
24 Kirill Todorov Kirill Todorov D
3 Khojiakbar Alijonov Khojiakbar Alijonov UZB D 26
88 Azmiddinov Shakhzod Azmiddinov Shakhzod UZB D 23
27 Sunnatilla Poyonov Sunnatilla Poyonov D 18
55 Muhammadrasul Abdumajidov Muhammadrasul Abdumajidov D
20 Dilshod Abdullaev Dilshod Abdullaev D
2 Mirkamol Abdurazzakov Mirkamol Abdurazzakov D
13 Islom Anvarov Islom Anvarov D

# Player Country Pos Age Rating
Merk Kimi Bern Merk Kimi Bern
Mukhridin Pazildinov Mukhridin Pazildinov
Humoyun Nazarov Humoyun Nazarov
Saidumarxon Saidnurullayev Saidumarxon Saidnurullayev
9 Akbar Oktamov Akbar Oktamov

Pakhtakor Tashkent

Football, Uzbekistan, Team Pakhtakor Tashkent. Original team name: Pakhtakor Tashkent.

In the team Pakhtakor Tashkent 52 players. Legionnaires composed of: 32 (61.5%). The total value of the team players is 0 €. The highest-paid player Pakhtakor Tashkent is Igor Sergeev. Physically, indicators, nationality, position, market value and a list of starting compositions are available on the player’s page.

Maksim Shatskikh — head coach of the team Pakhtakor Tashkent.

The main stadium of the Pakhtakor Tashkent team is Pakhtakor Markaziy Stadium in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. Stadium capacity Pakhtakor Markaziy Stadium is 35 000 people.

On the matches page you can track the series, team statistics, the history of the movement of the coefficients, as well as videos of interesting moments.


Arithmetic mean

At Total Home Away
Total Games 20 9 11
Average total games 2.1 1.89 2.27
Average goals scored 0.7 0.78 0.64
Average goals conceded 1.4 1.11 1.64
Ball possession (%) 18.55 22.11 15.64
Corner kicks 2 3 1.18
Offsides 0.5 0.56 0.45
Fouls 5.5 5.78 5.27
Yellow cards 0.75 1.11 0.45
Total shots 4.1 6.67 2
Shots on target 1.1 2.11 0.27
Blocked shots 1.35 2 0.82
Shots inside box 2.65 4.67 1
Shots outside box 1.45 2 1
Big chances (xG) 0.55 1.11 0.09
Big chances missed (xG) 0.35 0.67 0.09

Relative indicators







Over: 70%

Under: 30%

Total 1.5

Over: 25%

Under: 75%

Total 2.5

Over: 15%

Under: 85%

Total 3.5


Maksim Shatskikh

Maksim Shatskikh




Date of birth






Pakhtakor Markaziy Stadium


35 000
