Football / France /

Racing Besançon – team performance Football, France

Racing Besançon

Racing Besançon

France (Racing Besançon FRA)

Racing Besançon Player Roster


Total players

19 (76%)


1 616 000 €

Team cost

269 333 €

Average player value


Overall player rating


# Player Country Pos Age Rating
1 Remy Pillot Remy Pillot FRA G 33 0,6M+ 55
1 Oumar Sissoko Oumar Sissoko MLI G 36 0,3M+
30 Dialy Kobaly N'Diaye Dialy Kobaly N'Diaye SEN G 24 0,2M+
Killian Vauchet Killian Vauchet G


# Player Country Pos Age Rating
10 Rafael Dias Rafael Dias POR M 32 0,4M+
10 Ismail Haddou Ismail Haddou ALG M 27 0,0M+
8 Samuel Robert Samuel Robert FRA M 23
11 Chris Malonga Chris Malonga CGO M 36
Mathis Clerval Mathis Clerval M
Ihabe Louhkiar Ihabe Louhkiar M
Zidane Boulebiar Zidane Boulebiar M
Yanis Rigault Yanis Rigault M
Yassine Hakkar Yassine Hakkar M
Ryan Cherradi Ryan Cherradi M
Tom Adjakly Tom Adjakly M


# Player Country Pos Age Rating
21 Jaffray Nsimba Jaffray Nsimba FRA D 30 0,2M+
26 Helder Helder BRA D 22
35 Dollard Wandji Dollard Wandji FRA D 24
25 Lucas Cuenin Lucas Cuenin FRA D 26
Yanis Achour Yanis Achour D
2 Grégory Lafontaine Grégory Lafontaine D
Lucas Petigny Lucas Petigny D
Saïd Babana Saïd Babana D


# Player Country Pos Age Rating
9 Alexis Gouletquer Alexis Gouletquer FRA F 24
Leny Cote Leny Cote F


Racing Besançon

Football, France, Team Racing Besançon. Original team name: Racing Besançon.

In the team Racing Besançon 25 players. Legionnaires composed of: 19 (76%). The total value of the team players is 0 €. The highest-paid player Racing Besançon is Remy Pillot. Physically, indicators, nationality, position, market value and a list of starting compositions are available on the player’s page.

David Le Frapper — head coach of the team Racing Besançon. David Le Frapper spent 204 of the match as part of the team coach Racing Besançon. Won 64 wins, 42 draws and 77 defeats. Points scored: 255. The number of points scored over a career indicates the effectiveness of the coach.

On the matches page you can track the series, team statistics, the history of the movement of the coefficients, as well as videos of interesting moments.


David Le Frapper

David Le Frapper




Date of birth


Total games

64 (31.4%)


42 (20.6%)


77 (37.7%)



Points scored


Average points per game