Football / Brazil /

Sampaio Corrêa – team performance Football, Brazil

Sampaio Corrêa

Sampaio Corrêa

Brazil (Sampaio Corrêa BRA)

Sampaio Corrêa Player Roster


Total players

26 (37.7%)


5 319 000 €

Team cost

443 250 €

Average player value


Overall player rating


# Player Country Pos Age Rating
31 Bruno Cortêz Bruno Cortêz BRA D 36 1,7M+ 48
4 Fabio Fabio BRA D 34 0,6M+
22 Thallyson Thallyson BRA D 31 0,2M+ 57
14 Hiago Hiago BRA D 26 0,0M+
4 Franklin Franklin BRA D 24
32 Rafael Rafael BRA D 21 45
32 Rafael Luiz Santos da Costa Rafael Luiz Santos da Costa BRA D 21 45
13 Rafael Rafael BRA D 21 45
6 Thiago Rosa Thiago Rosa BRA D 21
14 Itambé Itambé BRA D 20
2 Lucas Lopes Lucas Lopes POR D 24
3 Betão Betão D
2 Fabrício Conceição Fabrício Conceição BRA D 25
22 Dimas Dimas D
13 Guilherme Barbosa Guilherme Barbosa BRA D 23
2 Jo Jo BRA D 27
14 Ray Cardoso Ray Cardoso BRA D 21
13 Galvao Galvao D
17 Elivelton Elivelton D
13 Felipe Cauã Felipe Cauã D
23 Jardson Jardson D


# Player Country Pos Age Rating
11 Pimentinha Pimentinha BRA M 36 0,6M+ 53
18 Bruno Matos Bruno Matos BRA M 33 0,5M+
23 Evandro Evandro BRA M 30 0,3M+
15 Eloir Eloir BRA M 36 0,3M+ 48
32 Pablo Oliveira Pablo Oliveira BRA M 28 0,0M+ 52
23 Maurício Silva dos Santos Maurício Silva dos Santos BRA M 24 50
8 Leandro Ferreira Pessoa Leandro Ferreira Pessoa BRA M 37 47
20 Nadson Mesquita Nadson Mesquita BRA M 23
5 Jhonata Jhonata BRA M 23
8 Escuro Escuro BRA M 27
7 Adauto Adauto BRA M 28
16 Gazão Gazão BRA M 20
16 Marcelo Piauí Marcelo Piauí M
17 Thiaguinho Thiaguinho BRA M 25
10 Gabriel Silva Gabriel Silva M
10 Gabriel Silva Gabriel Silva M 20
5 Cavi Cavi M
19 Roney Roney BRA M 31 47
10 Alan Stence Alan Stence M
20 Jair Jair M
21 Isaias Isaias M
17 João Henrique Lenger João Henrique Lenger M
16 Hudson Nunes Hudson Nunes BRA M 23
23 Henrique Evangelista Henrique Evangelista M


# Player Country Pos Age Rating
9 Bruno Baio Bruno Baio BRA F 28 0,5M+ 51
9 Renan Gorne Renan Gorne BRA F 27 0,1M+ 47
96 Edrean Edrean BRA F 27
11 Gustavo Gustavo BRA F 21
21 Breno Breno BRA F 24
7 João Felipe João Felipe F
19 Cláudio Cebolinha Cláudio Cebolinha F
19 Thiago De Souza Thiago De Souza BRA F 22
9 Alan James Alan James BRA F 26
16 Dodo Dodo F
7 Adriano Adriano F
18 Rodolfo Rodolfo BRA F 23
23 Wendell Wendell F
15 Bacurau Bacurau F
18 Lucas Guilherme Lucas Guilherme F
22 Gelton Gelton BRA F 19


# Player Country Pos Age Rating
84 Felipe Felipe BRA G 39 0,4M+
12 Carlos Eduardo Carlos Eduardo BRA G 21
12 Eduardo Maranhão Eduardo Maranhão G 21
1 Rafael Mariano Rafael Mariano BRA G 31
32 Rhuan Rhuan BRA G 27
1 Victor Hugo Victor Hugo BRA G 26

# Player Country Pos Age Rating
Erikson Erikson
10 Gabriel Silva Gabriel Silva

Sampaio Corrêa

Football, Brazil, Team Sampaio Corrêa. Original team name: Sampaio Corrêa.

Sampaio Corrêa takes part in the championship Maranhense. You can find the championship standings, current results of the teams and the schedule of upcoming matches on the page: Standings Maranhense.

In the team Sampaio Corrêa 69 players. Legionnaires composed of: 26 (37.7%). The total value of the team players is 0 €. The highest-paid player Sampaio Corrêa is Bruno Cortêz. Physically, indicators, nationality, position, market value and a list of starting compositions are available on the player’s page.

Dejair Ferreira — head coach of the team Sampaio Corrêa. Dejair Ferreira spent 24 of the match as part of the team coach Sampaio Corrêa. Won 7 wins, 14 draws and 9 defeats. Points scored: 29. The number of points scored over a career indicates the effectiveness of the coach.

The main stadium of the Sampaio Corrêa team is Estadio Governador João Castelo in Sao Luis, Brazil. Stadium capacity Estadio Governador João Castelo is 40 000 people.

Team Next Match Sampaio Corrêa will take place 2025-04-09 22:00:00: Sampaio Corrêa Maranhão . On the matches page you can track the series, team statistics, the history of the movement of the coefficients, as well as videos of interesting moments.


Arithmetic mean

At Total Home Away
Total Games 20 10 10
Average total games 2.35 2.4 2.3
Average goals scored 1.1 1.3 0.9
Average goals conceded 1.25 1.1 1.4

Relative indicators







Over: 70%

Under: 30%

Total 1.5

Over: 45%

Under: 55%

Total 2.5

Over: 25%

Under: 75%

Total 3.5


Dejair Ferreira

Dejair Ferreira




Date of birth


Total games

7 (29.2%)


14 (58.3%)


9 (37.5%)



Points scored


Average points per game


Maranhense, Serie A 2025: 2025

Standings table
# Teams P W D L Goals PTS
Imperatriz Imperatriz 11 6 4 1 17:8 22
Sampaio Corrêa Sampaio Corrêa 9 5 2 2 14:6 17
Maranhão Maranhão 9 5 2 2 11:7 17
IAPE IAPE 9 4 2 3 9:9 14
Moto Club Moto Club 9 3 4 2 10:7 13
Pinheiro Atlético Clube Pinheiro Atlético Clube 10 4 1 5 12:12 13
Tuntum Esporte Clube Tuntum Esporte Clube 9 2 3 4 10:11 9
EC Viana EC Viana 10 0 0 10 4:27 0




Sao Luis


Estadio Governador João Castelo


40 000
