Football / Romania /

SC Oțelul Galați – team performance Football, Romania

SC Oțelul Galați

SC Oțelul Galați

Romania (SC Oțelul Galați ROU)

SC Oțelul Galați Player Roster


Total players

36 (67.9%)


7 613 000 €

Team cost

230 697 €

Average player value


Overall player rating


# Player Country Pos Age Rating
4 Martin Angha Martin Angha SUI D 29 0,7M+ 50
5 Nikola Stevanović Nikola Stevanović SRB D 25 0,4M+
2 Milen Zhelev Milen Zhelev BUL D 30 0,3M+
33 Josip Tomašević Josip Tomašević CRO D 29 0,3M+
6 Jonathan Cissé Jonathan Cissé CIV D 24 0,3M+
28 Miguel Silva Miguel Silva POR D 27 0,2M+
15 Francois Yabre Francois Yabre BUR D 32 0,2M+
22 Dan Panait Dan Panait ROU D 26 0,1M+
25 Dragan Lovrić Dragan Lovrić CRO D 27 0,0M+
26 Mihai Adascalitei Mihai Adascalitei ROU D 29 0,0M+
18 Ștefan Farcaș Ștefan Farcaș D
14 Andrei Rus Andrei Rus D
27 David Maftei David Maftei D
3 Valerio Gallo Valerio Gallo D
3 Julián Bonilla Julián Bonilla D
16 Constantin Mituletu Constantin Mituletu D
16 Alexandru Mituletu Alexandru Mituletu ROU D 19


# Player Country Pos Age Rating
94 Eduard Pap Eduard Pap ROU G 29 0,7M+ 51
1 Cosmin Dur Bozoanca Cosmin Dur Bozoanca ROU G 25 0,2M+
32 Relu Stoian Relu Stoian ROU G 25 0,2M+
32 Iustin Popescu Iustin Popescu ROU G 30 0,0M+
12 Maksym Kovalev Maksym Kovalev G


# Player Country Pos Age Rating
20 Neluț Roşu Neluț Roşu ROU M 30 0,5M+
31 Diego Živulić Diego Živulić CRO M 31 0,3M+
10 Samy Bourard Samy Bourard BEL M 27 0,3M+ 48
34 Jakob Novak Jakob Novak SLO M 25 0,3M+
8 Ionuț Neagu Ionuț Neagu ROU M 34 0,2M+
21 Vasilije Đurić Vasilije Đurić SRB M 25 0,2M+ 50
66 João Lameira João Lameira POR M 24 0,1M+
31 Juri Cisotti Juri Cisotti ITA M 30 0,1M+
30 Vasile Jardan Vasile Jardan MDA M 30 0,1M+
6 Pablo Gaitan Pablo Gaitan ARG M 31 0,1M+
7 Ştefan Bodişteanu Ştefan Bodişteanu ROU M 20 0,0M+
22 Ahmed Bani Ahmed Bani ROU M 21 0,0M+
21 Samuel Teles Samuel Teles POR M 26
17 Razvan Andrei Tanasa Razvan Andrei Tanasa ROU M 20
Samuel Teles Samuel Teles POR M 26
23 Cristian Chira Cristian Chira M
71 Victor Bogaciuc Victor Bogaciuc MDA M 24
11 Andreas  Burcea Andreas Burcea M


# Player Country Pos Age Rating
12 Aly Mallé Aly Mallé MLI F 25 0,4M+ 46
99 Stipe Jurić Stipe Jurić BIH F 24 0,4M+
99 Alexandru Pop Alexandru Pop ROU F 23 0,2M+
96 Anes Rušević Anes Rušević SRB F 26 0,2M+
7 Frederic Maciel Frederic Maciel POR F 29 0,1M+
7 George Carjan George Carjan ROU F 35 0,1M+
59 Jovan Marković Jovan Marković ROU F 22 0,1M+ 49
97 Albert Hofman Albert Hofman ROU F 20
77 Luca Andronache Luca Andronache ROU F 20
19 Maxim Cojocaru Maxim Cojocaru MDA F 25
9 Alexandru Stan Alexandru Stan F

# Player Country Pos Age Rating
Claudio Mocanu Claudio Mocanu
20 Marian Draghiceanu Marian Draghiceanu

SC Oțelul Galați

Football, Romania, Team SC Oțelul Galați. Original team name: SC Oțelul Galați.

In the team SC Oțelul Galați 53 players. Legionnaires composed of: 36 (67.9%). The total value of the team players is 0 €. The highest-paid player SC Oțelul Galați is Martin Angha. Physically, indicators, nationality, position, market value and a list of starting compositions are available on the player’s page.

Dorinel Munteanu — head coach of the team SC Oțelul Galați. Dorinel Munteanu spent 371 of the match as part of the team coach SC Oțelul Galați. Won 143 wins, 26 draws and 121 defeats. Points scored: 536. The number of points scored over a career indicates the effectiveness of the coach.

The main stadium of the SC Oțelul Galați team is Stadionul Oțelul in Galati, Romania. Stadium capacity Stadionul Oțelul is 13 500 people.

On the matches page you can track the series, team statistics, the history of the movement of the coefficients, as well as videos of interesting moments.


Arithmetic mean

At Total Home Away
Total Games 20 10 10
Average total games 2.25 1.9 2.6
Average goals scored 0.95 0.7 1.2
Average goals conceded 1.3 1.2 1.4
Ball possession (%) 44.5 50.9 38.1
Corner kicks 3.45 4.1 2.8
Offsides 1.15 1.4 0.9
Fouls 10.9 11.6 10.2
Yellow cards 1.8 1.9 1.7
Total shots 10.1 11.3 8.9
Shots on target 2.95 3.2 2.7
Blocked shots 2.45 2.4 2.5
Shots inside box 6.2 6.8 5.6
Shots outside box 3.9 4.5 3.3
Big chances (xG) 1 1.5 0.5
Big chances missed (xG) 0.6 0.9 0.3

Relative indicators







Over: 55%

Under: 45%

Total 1.5

Over: 40%

Under: 60%

Total 2.5

Over: 20%

Under: 80%

Total 3.5


Dorinel Munteanu

Dorinel Munteanu




Total games

143 (38.5%)


26 (7%)


121 (32.6%)



Points scored


Average points per game






Stadionul Oțelul


13 500
