Football / Malta /

Swieqi United FC – team performance Football, Malta

Swieqi United FC

Swieqi United FC

Malta (Swieqi United FC MLT)

Swieqi United FC Player Roster


Total players

11 (57.9%)


322 000 €

Team cost

80 500 €

Average player value


# Player Country Pos Age Rating
8 Paul Fenech Paul Fenech MLT M 36 0,2M+
6 Matthew Spiteri Matthew Spiteri MLT M 22 0,1M+
22 Isaiah Micallef Isaiah Micallef MLT M 17
22 Collins Gyamfi Collins Gyamfi M
23 Lenny Mattocks Lenny Mattocks M
11 Alan David Schembri Wismayer Alan David Schembri Wismayer M
7 Jamie Scerri Jamie Scerri M


# Player Country Pos Age Rating
10 Siraj Arab Siraj Arab MLT F 29 0,1M+
9 Caseres Augusto Caseres Augusto ARG F 23
96 Daniel Agius Daniel Agius MLT F 24
19 Blessing Brafo Blessing Brafo F
21 Michael Micallef Michael Micallef F
17 Alan  Abdul Rahman Alan Abdul Rahman F


# Player Country Pos Age Rating
12 Jean Claude Debattista Jean Claude Debattista MLT G 25 0,0M+
24 Gerson Mifsud Gerson Mifsud G


# Player Country Pos Age Rating
18 James Vella James Vella MLT D 18
5 Deacon Abela Deacon Abela MLT D 17
3 Juan Pablo Morales Juan Pablo Morales D
4 Kyle Muscat  Kyle Muscat  D

Swieqi United FC

Football, Malta, Team Swieqi United FC. Original team name: Swieqi United FC.

In the team Swieqi United FC 19 players. Legionnaires composed of: 11 (57.9%). The total value of the team players is 0 €. The highest-paid player Swieqi United FC is Paul Fenech. Physically, indicators, nationality, position, market value and a list of starting compositions are available on the player’s page.

On the matches page you can track the series, team statistics, the history of the movement of the coefficients, as well as videos of interesting moments.


Arithmetic mean

At Total Home Away
Total Games 20 8 12
Average total games 2.8 2.25 3.17
Average goals scored 1.35 1.5 1.25
Average goals conceded 1.45 0.75 1.92

Relative indicators







Over: 75%

Under: 25%

Total 1.5

Over: 50%

Under: 50%

Total 2.5

Over: 35%

Under: 65%

Total 3.5