Football / Bangladesh /

Uttar Baridhara Club – team performance Football, Bangladesh

Uttar Baridhara Club

Uttar Baridhara Club

Bangladesh (Uttar Baridhara Club BGD)

Uttar Baridhara Club Player Roster


Total players

21 (100%)


72 000 €

Team cost

72 000 €

Average player value


# Player Country Pos Age Rating
9 Evgeniy Kochnev Evgeniy Kochnev UZB M 29 0,1M+
11 Omor Faruk Omor Faruk BAN M
26 Sagor Hossain Sagor Hossain BAN M 19

# Player Country Pos Age Rating
Ali Akbor Ali Akbor
Riyaz Choiyal Riyaz Choiyal
Foayej Ahammed Foayej Ahammed
Mubinur Rashid Mubinur Rashid
Arshad Habib Bishal Arshad Habib Bishal
Jubayer Rahman Jubayer Rahman
Shaharia Rahman Emon Shaharia Rahman Emon


# Player Country Pos Age Rating
25 Youssouf Mory Bamba Youssouf Mory Bamba CIV D 25
Saiddoston Fozilov Saiddoston Fozilov TJK D 24
29 Abdul Salam Sohel Abdul Salam Sohel BAN D 18
3 Sohel Rana Sohel Rana BAN D 33
2 Arif Khan Joy Arif Khan Joy BAN D 26
5 Uttam Bonik Uttam Bonik BAN D 37
27 Rashed Hossain Biplob Rashed Hossain Biplob BAN D
23 Apurbo Kumar Das Apurbo Kumar Das BAN D 35
24 Asif Hossain Rimon Asif Hossain Rimon BAN D


# Player Country Pos Age Rating
38 Saiful Islam Khan Saiful Islam Khan BAN G 23
27 Shahin Mollah Shahin Mollah G

Uttar Baridhara Club

Football, Bangladesh, Team Uttar Baridhara Club. Original team name: Uttar Baridhara Club.

In the team Uttar Baridhara Club 21 players. Legionnaires composed of: 21 (100%). The total value of the team players is 0 €. The highest-paid player Uttar Baridhara Club is Evgeniy Kochnev. Physically, indicators, nationality, position, market value and a list of starting compositions are available on the player’s page.

On the matches page you can track the series, team statistics, the history of the movement of the coefficients, as well as videos of interesting moments.