Football / Czech Republic /

Zbrojovka Brno U21 – team performance Football, Czech Republic

Zbrojovka Brno U21

Zbrojovka Brno U21

Czech Republic (Zbrojovka Brno U21 CZE)

Zbrojovka Brno U21 Player Roster


Total players

8 (66.7%)


860 000 €

Team cost

430 000 €

Average player value


# Player Country Pos Age Rating
40 Vlastimil Hruby Vlastimil Hruby CZE G 38 0,5M+
1 Michal Hlozanek Michal Hlozanek G
71 Ondrej Prodelal Ondrej Prodelal G


# Player Country Pos Age Rating
42 Peter Štepanovský Peter Štepanovský SVK M 35 0,3M+
8 Filip Hluchan Filip Hluchan CZE M 18
34 Ota Kohoutek Ota Kohoutek CZE M 20
6 Daniel Polak Daniel Polak M


# Player Country Pos Age Rating
38 Oldrich Pragr Oldrich Pragr CZE F 19
21 Filip Vecera Filip Vecera F
72 Martin Cerny Martin Cerny F

# Player Country Pos Age Rating
David Dzavoronok David Dzavoronok


# Player Country Pos Age Rating
33 Ondrej Slapansky Ondrej Slapansky D

Zbrojovka Brno U21

Football, Czech Republic, Team Zbrojovka Brno U21. Original team name: Zbrojovka Brno U21.

In the team Zbrojovka Brno U21 12 players. Legionnaires composed of: 8 (66.7%). The total value of the team players is 0 €. The highest-paid player Zbrojovka Brno U21 is Vlastimil Hruby. Physically, indicators, nationality, position, market value and a list of starting compositions are available on the player’s page.

The main stadium of the Zbrojovka Brno U21 team is Mestsky fotbalovy stadion Srbska in Brno, Czech Republic.

On the matches page you can track the series, team statistics, the history of the movement of the coefficients, as well as videos of interesting moments.


Czech Republic




Mestsky fotbalovy stadion Srbska
