Handball / Players /

Georg Lowen – player stats, ratings and matches

Georg Lowen

Georg Lowen

HSG Wetzlar


Georg Lowen

Player Georg Lowen.

Physical indicators: height 194 m. Weight kg.

Georg Lowen is currently playing in a team HSG Wetzlar . Main position: handball.p. Game number in starting lineups: 33.

Recently Georg Lowentook part in 7 matches for the team HSG Wetzlar.


DHB Pokal DHB Pokal
Round 2
2024-10-02 HBW Balingen/Weilstetten - HSG Wetzlar 34 - 32
Bundesliga Bundesliga
Round 21
2025-02-27 HSG Wetzlar - ThSV Eisenach 30 - 31
Round 14
2024-12-11 HSG Wetzlar - SC DHfK Leipzig 31 - 30
Round 13
2024-12-07 HSG Wetzlar - MT Melsungen 27 - 29
Round 12
2024-11-30 THW Kiel - HSG Wetzlar 35 - 24
Round 11
2024-11-25 HSG Wetzlar - 1. VfL Potsdam 26 - 18
Round 9
2024-10-31 HSG Wetzlar - SG Bietigheim-Metterzimmern 21 - 26