Handball / Players /

Ingeborg Storbaek Monne – player stats, ratings and matches

Ingeborg Storbaek Monne

Ingeborg Storbaek Monne



Ingeborg Storbaek Monne

Player Ingeborg Storbaek Monne.

Physical indicators: height 172 m. Weight kg.

Ingeborg Storbaek Monne is currently playing in a team Storhamar . Main position: handball.lw. Game number in starting lineups: 7.

Recently Ingeborg Storbaek Monnetook part in 3 matches for the team Storhamar.


Women's Champions League Women's Champions League
Round 14
2025-02-22 Metz Handball - Storhamar 24 - 20
Round 13
2025-02-16 Storhamar - CSM București 21 - 32
Round 4
2024-10-05 RK Krim Ljubljana - Storhamar 25 - 23