Football / Brazil /

Concórdia Atlético Clube – team performance Football, Brazil

Concórdia Atlético Clube

Concórdia Atlético Clube

Brazil (Concórdia Atlético Clube BRA)

Concórdia Atlético Clube Player Roster


Total players

31 (56.4%)


3 362 000 €

Team cost

420 250 €

Average player value


Overall player rating


# Player Country Pos Age Rating
17 Matheus Galdezani Matheus Galdezani BRA M 31 1,0M+ 52
20 Nadson Nadson BRA M 34 0,6M+ 51
8 Jean Patrick Jean Patrick BRA M 31 0,6M+ 50
8 Luiz Meneses Luiz Meneses BRA M 26 0,1M+
18 Kendy Kendy BRA M 24 0,0M+
8 Zé Vitor Zé Vitor BRA M 22
Miguel Perin Miguel Perin BRA M 25
17 Wendel Barros Wendel Barros M
25 Tetê Tetê BRA M 31
Hector Bianchi Rodrigues Hector Bianchi Rodrigues M
7 Luan Luan BRA M 23
10 Péricles Péricles BRA M 23
7 Wesley Pinheiro Wesley Pinheiro BRA M 21
13 Pedro Cella Pedro Cella BRA M 19
5 Foguinho Foguinho M
8 Evandro Rodrigues Florencio Evandro Rodrigues Florencio M
8 Índio Índio M
10 Ewerthon Rodrigo Braga Soares Ewerthon Rodrigo Braga Soares M
Sérgio Roberto Sérgio Roberto BRA M 21
Yuri Tubiano Sales Yuri Tubiano Sales M
8 Pedro Marlon Pedro Marlon M


# Player Country Pos Age Rating
9 Carlos Henrique Carlos Henrique BRA F 28 0,6M+
20 Keslley Keslley BRA F 24
21 Gustavo Barbosa Santos Gustavo Barbosa Santos F
18 Elcarlos Elcarlos BRA F 26
18 Kerlly Anderson Freitas da Costa Kerlly Anderson Freitas da Costa F
20 Felipe Rangel dos Santos Felipe Rangel dos Santos F
19 Luiz Felipe Lenger Luiz Felipe Lenger F
17 Cristian Cristian F
17 Eli Junior Eli Junior F
Wellington Faria Mendes Wellington Faria Mendes BRA F 33
9 Rodrigo  Araújo da Silva Filho Rodrigo Araújo da Silva Filho F


# Player Country Pos Age Rating
4 Willian Alves Willian Alves BRA D 36 0,5M+
4 Perema Perema BRA D 31 0,1M+
14 Caio Caio D
13 Felipe Felipe BRA D 24
7 Ryan Ryan BRA D 20
2 Gabriel Biteco Gabriel Biteco BRA D 22
6 Patryck Annes Patryck Annes D
18 Gustavo Brandão Gustavo Brandão BRA D 21
23 Matheus Baseggio Matheus Baseggio D
4 Rafael Augusto de Lima Rafael Augusto de Lima D
3 Felipe Siedekum Felipe Siedekum D
4 Pedro Inácio Cella Pedro Inácio Cella D


# Player Country Pos Age Rating
1 Jean Carlos Jean Carlos G
1 Alexandre Villa Alexandre Villa BRA G 39
12 Rodrigo Rodrigo G
1 Rodrigo Lucas Alves da Silva Rodrigo Lucas Alves da Silva G
12 Bernardo Tibolla Bernardo Tibolla G

# Player Country Pos Age Rating
21 Wilgner Wilgner
16 Pedro Alves Pedro Alves
19 Thon Thon
22 William William
15 Murilo Murilo
William Gustavo Alves de Jesus William Gustavo Alves de Jesus

Concórdia Atlético Clube

Football, Brazil, Team Concórdia Atlético Clube. Original team name: Concórdia Atlético Clube.

In the team Concórdia Atlético Clube 55 players. Legionnaires composed of: 31 (56.4%). The total value of the team players is 0 €. The highest-paid player Concórdia Atlético Clube is Matheus Galdezani. Physically, indicators, nationality, position, market value and a list of starting compositions are available on the player’s page.

Itamar Schulle — head coach of the team Concórdia Atlético Clube. Itamar Schulle spent 180 of the match as part of the team coach Concórdia Atlético Clube. Won 71 wins, 52 draws and 55 defeats. Points scored: 267. The number of points scored over a career indicates the effectiveness of the coach.

The main stadium of the Concórdia Atlético Clube team is Domingos Machado de Lima in Concordia, Brazil.

On the matches page you can track the series, team statistics, the history of the movement of the coefficients, as well as videos of interesting moments.


Arithmetic mean

At Total Home Away
Total Games 20 9 11
Average total games 2.7 2.22 3.09
Average goals scored 1.1 1.44 0.82
Average goals conceded 1.6 0.78 2.27

Relative indicators







Over: 70%

Under: 30%

Total 1.5

Over: 55%

Under: 45%

Total 2.5

Over: 35%

Under: 65%

Total 3.5


Itamar Schulle

Itamar Schulle




Total games

71 (39.4%)


52 (28.9%)


55 (30.6%)



Points scored


Average points per game






Domingos Machado de Lima
